VR-Cinema is an extension to CinemaScience scene format. CinemaScience is a modern format developed to store very huge data sets. In the format, a data is stored in a directory called Cinema database. This directory should contain an meta-information file named data.csv, in the CSV text format. This file contains a table with columns for parameters and columns for data artifacts. Artifacts can be images, grids, csv files; i.e., anytype of data that can be written to disk. Thus this table defines a mapping between parameters and artifacts.
VR-Cinema allows to specify 3D visual objects as artifacts. To specify type of visual object, place it right after FILE_ prefix and surround with _. For example, FILE_lines_beta
defines visual object of type lines
VR-Cinema generates GUI controls to select current paramerers values in interface. Then it shows 3D visual objects according to selected values.
Let we need to visualize a point cloud which is changing in time. We write data.csv file of following content:
time, FILE_points_alfa
0, 00.csv
10, 01.csv
20, 02.csv
30, 03.csv
Here we define:
- One parameter named
. - Values for that parameter (10,20,30,...)
- One visual object of type
named alfa. - A mapping between values of parameter
and input files for visual objectFILE_points_alfa
VR-Cinema will generate graphical interface for time
, allow to select its value, and show correspoding point cloud.
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You may define arbitrary number of parameters and visual objects. Example of data.csv:
alfa, beta, FILE_points_alfa, FILE_lines_beta, FILE_points_teta, FILE_obj_surf
10, 0.15, 1.csv, lines-1.csv, pts-beta.csv, constant-surf.obj
20, 0.15, 2.csv, lines-1.csv, pts-beta.csv, constant-surf.obj
20, 0.25, 2-0.25.csv, lines-1.csv, pts-beta.csv, constant-surf.obj