Carla supports waypoint calculations.
The node carla_waypoint_publisher
makes this feature available in the ROS context.
It uses the current pose of the ego vehicle with role-name "ego_vehicle" as starting point. If the vehicle is respawned, the route is newly calculated.
As the waypoint publisher requires some Carla PythonAPI functionality that is not part of the python egg-file, you have to extend your PYTHONPATH.
export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:<path-to-carla>/PythonAPI/carla-<carla_version_and_arch>.egg:<path-to-carla>/PythonAPI/carla/
To run it:
roslaunch carla_waypoint_publisher carla_waypoint_publisher.launch
The goal is either read from the ROS topic /carla/<ROLE NAME>/goal
, if available, or a fixed spawnpoint is used.
The prefered way of setting a goal is to click '2D Nav Goal' in RVIZ.
The calculated route is published:
Topic | Type |
/carla/<ego vehicle name>/waypoints |
nav_msgs.Path |