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File metadata and controls

117 lines (87 loc) · 6.38 KB


This is my first testing project based on Angular 6. It was updated to Angular 9 later. Working example is here


This app has several working pages. They are:

  • Home page.
  • Blog page.
  • Post page. All other links will fallback to the page Page not found.

The app uses Angular Universal and Service Worker. But the project doesn't use SSL and PWA doesn't work.

This app has own implementation of scrolling to top. However, ViewportScroller could be used instead. I didn't know about it while developing the test project.

Issues with the server side rendering (SSR)

  1. The server has the config.json file. nconf reads this file before connecting to MongoDB:

    nconf.argv().env().file({file: join(__dirname, '../config.json')} );

    This code leads to that the server bundle tries to find config.json in dist folder. But this file is absent after running yarn build:ssr.

    Don't forget put this file manually into dist folder.

    Also change the localhost to mongodb in config.json for deployment. In development it should be mongo_db.

  2. The line with const DIST_FOLDER=join(process.cwd(), 'dist') (server.ts) was the culprit of not rendering the index.html on the server. The rendering hasn't even started. This is because the value of DIST_FOLDER was /home/ubuntu/dist/browser. But I deployed the app in the folder /home/ftpuser/surf-app/dist. Therefore for production, I set the value of DIST_FOLDER as /home/ftpuser/surf-app/dist. Don't forget to change the value of DIST_FOLDER while moving to another Cloud.

  3. ERROR ReferenceError: requestAnimationFrame is not defined during each prerendering of html-pages. NOT SOLVED

  4. Error with running yarn dev:ssr. The error was:

    connect ECONNREFUSED
    error Command failed with exit code 1.
    info Visit for documentation about this command.

    The problem was with port. The backend was configured to run on the port 4040 and frontend used this port to access api. But the dev server was expecting 4200.

    The solution is to add port: 4040: angular.json

    "serve-ssr": {
        "builder": "@nguniversal/builders:ssr-dev-server",
        "options": {
        "browserTarget": "surfer-app:build",
        "serverTarget": "surfer-app:server",
        "port": 4040

    But this is not the ending. Angular Universal Live Development Server uses random ports. So to catch them use const PORT = process.env.PORT.

  5. Using ts-node. It's good to use ts-node for development of api. But I wasn't able to configure it to run the frontend part. That is when I load the page printing in the browser: http://localhost:4040, I got the error:

    Error: Can't resolve all parameters for ResizeService: (?).
        at syntaxError (H:\WEB-learning\projects\studio-alla\111-studio-alla-angular-6v\packages\compiler\src\util.ts:108:17)
        at CompileMetadataResolver._getDependenciesMetadata (H:\WEB-learning\projects\studio-alla\111-studio-alla-angular-6v\packages\compiler\src\metadata_resolver.ts:991:27)
        at CompileMetadataResolver._getTypeMetadata (H:\WEB-learning\projects\studio-alla\111-studio-alla-angular-6v\packages\compiler\src\metadata_resolver.ts:870:20)
        at CompileMetadataResolver._getInjectableTypeMetadata (H:\WEB-learning\projects\studio-alla\111-studio-alla-angular-6v\packages\compiler\src\metadata_resolver.ts:1127:17)
        at CompileMetadataResolver.getProviderMetadata (H:\WEB-learning\projects\studio-alla\111-studio-alla-angular-6v\packages\compiler\src\metadata_resolver.ts:1138:16)
        at H:\WEB-learning\projects\studio-alla\111-studio-alla-angular-6v\packages\compiler\src\metadata_resolver.ts:1059:38
        at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
        at CompileMetadataResolver._getProvidersMetadata (H:\WEB-learning\projects\studio-alla\111-studio-alla-angular-6v\packages\compiler\src\metadata_resolver.ts:1015:15)
        at CompileMetadataResolver.getNgModuleMetadata (H:\WEB-learning\projects\studio-alla\111-studio-alla-angular-6v\packages\compiler\src\metadata_resolver.ts:678:30)
        at CompileMetadataResolver.getNgModuleSummary (H:\WEB-learning\projects\studio-alla\111-studio-alla-angular-6v\packages\compiler\src\metadata_resolver.ts:464:31)
        at H:\WEB-learning\projects\studio-alla\111-studio-alla-angular-6v\packages\compiler\src\metadata_resolver.ts:563:20
        at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
        at CompileMetadataResolver.getNgModuleMetadata (H:\WEB-learning\projects\studio-alla\111-studio-alla-angular-6v\packages\compiler\src\metadata_resolver.ts:535:43)
        at CompileMetadataResolver.getNgModuleSummary (H:\WEB-learning\projects\studio-alla\111-studio-alla-angular-6v\packages\compiler\src\metadata_resolver.ts:464:31)
        at H:\WEB-learning\projects\studio-alla\111-studio-alla-angular-6v\packages\compiler\src\metadata_resolver.ts:563:20
        at Array.forEach (<anonymous>) {
    ngSyntaxError: true,
    level: 'error',
    [Symbol(level)]: 'error',
    [Symbol(message)]: '{"ngSyntaxError":true,"level":"error"}'

    However, if not to load http://localhost:4040, /api calls work fine. Also remember, to use ts-node, change the path to config.json in /nconf/index.ts to ./config.json. Otherwise you won't connect to MongoDB.

How to install and use

To install this project do these actions:

  • run git clone
  • run yarn to install packages
  • start Docker Desktop
  • docker-compose up --build | docker-compose down | docker-compose up -d

To run the api use the command yarn start:express-server.
To run the surfer-app use the command ng serve.
To run project compiled with Angular Universal use the command yarn serve:ssr.

To generate and publish docker images for production

to build and publish image surf-ssr: yarn build:ssr docker build -f dockerfile.production --target surf-ssr -t 2467100/surf-ssr:latest -t 2467100/surf-ssr:1.0 . docker push 2467100/surf-ssr:1.0 docker push 2467100/surf-ssr:latest

to start docker-compose for production on local:
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f up or
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f up --build