diff --git a/src/data/monitor.json b/src/data/monitor.json index a4a05c34..f0477e71 100644 --- a/src/data/monitor.json +++ b/src/data/monitor.json @@ -2,421 +2,421 @@ "repos": { "privacycg/CHIPS": { "comment": "no spec yet, part of Privacy Sandbox, positive signal from Mozilla in https://github.com/mozilla/standards-positions/issues/678#issuecomment-1241916316", - "lastreviewed": "2024-09-01" + "lastreviewed": "2024-11-01" }, "privacycg/storage-partitioning": { "comment": "mostly TODOs", - "lastreviewed": "2024-09-01" + "lastreviewed": "2024-11-01" }, "w3c/system-wake-lock": { "comment": "no spec yet", - "lastreviewed": "2024-09-01" + "lastreviewed": "2024-11-01" }, "WICG/controlled-frame": { "comment": "only available in developer trial in Chrome at the moment; limited to Isolated Web Apps", - "lastreviewed": "2024-09-01" + "lastreviewed": "2024-11-01" }, "WICG/file-handling": { "comment": "only points to explainer", - "lastreviewed": "2024-09-01" + "lastreviewed": "2024-11-01" }, "WICG/indexed-db-observers": { "comment": "no spec yet (but 3 years old?)", - "lastreviewed": "2024-09-01" + "lastreviewed": "2024-11-01" }, "WICG/media-latency-hint": { "comment": "empty spec", - "lastreviewed": "2024-09-01" + "lastreviewed": "2024-11-01" }, "w3c/webrtc-extensions": { "comment": "a kitchen-sink delta spec for now - might lead to a new integrated webrtc NV spec", - "lastreviewed": "2024-09-01" + "lastreviewed": "2024-11-01" }, "w3c/mediacapture-extensions": { "comment": "unofficial draft", - "lastreviewed": "2024-09-01" + "lastreviewed": "2024-11-01" }, "WICG/webmonetization": { "comment": "Early exploration phase; spec at https://webmonetization.org/specification/", - "lastreviewed": "2024-09-01" + "lastreviewed": "2024-11-01" }, "WICG/aom": { "comment": "Specs at https://wicg.github.io/aom/spec/computed-accessibility-tree.html https://wicg.github.io/aom/spec/virtual-accessibility-nodes.html https://wicg.github.io/aom/spec/input-events.html in their very early stage of definition", - "lastreviewed": "2024-09-01" + "lastreviewed": "2024-11-01" }, "WICG/container-queries": { "comment": "Likely candidate for ignoring - see archival discussion at https://github.com/WICG/container-queries/issues/14", - "lastreviewed": "2024-09-01" + "lastreviewed": "2024-11-01" }, "w3c/webappsec-suborigins": { "comment": "Seems dormant, but not clear signal to that effect", - "lastreviewed": "2024-09-01" + "lastreviewed": "2024-11-01" }, "WICG/input-for-workers": { "comment": "no clear implementation plans?", - "lastreviewed": "2024-09-01" + "lastreviewed": "2024-11-01" }, "immersive-web/webxr-test-api": { "comment": "Exposes IDL not expected to be used in a regular browsing context; might still be OK to include once we get clarity out of https://github.com/heycam/webidl/issues/896", - "lastreviewed": "2024-09-01" + "lastreviewed": "2024-11-01" }, "privacycg/first-party-sets": { "comment": "Not a spec yet", - "lastreviewed": "2024-09-01" + "lastreviewed": "2024-11-01" }, "w3c/merchantbg": { "comment": "Not a spec, unclear future of the repo", - "lastreviewed": "2024-09-01" + "lastreviewed": "2024-11-01" }, "WICG/accessible-loading-and-searching-of-content": { - "lastreviewed": "2024-09-01", + "lastreviewed": "2024-11-01", "comment": "no published content yet" }, "WICG/beforeinstallprompt": { - "lastreviewed": "2024-09-01", + "lastreviewed": "2024-11-01", "comment": "no published content yet" }, "WICG/canvas-color-space": { - "lastreviewed": "2024-09-01", + "lastreviewed": "2024-11-01", "comment": "no published content yet" }, "WICG/display-override": { - "lastreviewed": "2024-09-01", + "lastreviewed": "2024-11-01", "comment": "no published content yet" }, "WICG/image-output": { - "lastreviewed": "2024-09-01", + "lastreviewed": "2024-11-01", "comment": "no published content yet" }, "WICG/lang-client-hint": { - "lastreviewed": "2024-09-01", + "lastreviewed": "2024-11-01", "comment": "no published content yet" }, "WICG/main-thread-scheduling": { - "lastreviewed": "2024-09-01", + "lastreviewed": "2024-11-01", "comment": "no published content yet" }, "WICG/origin-isolation": { - "lastreviewed": "2024-09-01", + "lastreviewed": "2024-11-01", "comment": "no published content yet" }, "WICG/pwa-url-handler": { - "lastreviewed": "2024-09-01", + "lastreviewed": "2024-11-01", "comment": "no published content yet" }, "WICG/raw-clipboard-access": { - "lastreviewed": "2024-09-01", + "lastreviewed": "2024-11-01", "comment": "no published content yet" }, "WICG/request-post-animation-frame": { - "lastreviewed": "2024-09-01", + "lastreviewed": "2024-11-01", "comment": "no published content yet" }, "WICG/sparrow": { - "lastreviewed": "2024-09-01", + "lastreviewed": "2024-11-01", "comment": "no published content yet" }, "WICG/video-editing": { - "lastreviewed": "2024-09-01", + "lastreviewed": "2024-11-01", "comment": "no published content yet" }, "WICG/web_audio_playout": { - "lastreviewed": "2024-09-01", + "lastreviewed": "2024-11-01", "comment": "early proposal, https://chromestatus.com/feature/5172818344148992 says no active development" }, "immersive-web/computer-vision": { - "lastreviewed": "2024-09-01", + "lastreviewed": "2024-11-01", "comment": "no published content yet" }, "immersive-web/geo-alignment": { - "lastreviewed": "2024-09-01", + "lastreviewed": "2024-11-01", "comment": "no published content yet" }, "immersive-web/navigation": { - "lastreviewed": "2024-09-01", + "lastreviewed": "2024-11-01", "comment": "no published content yet" }, "immersive-web/performance-improvements": { - "lastreviewed": "2024-09-01", + "lastreviewed": "2024-11-01", "comment": "no published content yet" }, "immersive-web/spatial-favicons": { - "lastreviewed": "2024-09-01", + "lastreviewed": "2024-11-01", "comment": "no published content yet" }, "privacycg/is-logged-in": { - "lastreviewed": "2024-09-01", + "lastreviewed": "2024-11-01", "comment": "no published content yet" }, "privacycg/js-membranes": { - "lastreviewed": "2024-09-01", + "lastreviewed": "2024-11-01", "comment": "no published content yet" }, "WICG/canvas-formatted-text": { - "lastreviewed": "2024-09-01", + "lastreviewed": "2024-11-01", "comment": "no published content yet" }, "immersive-web/detached-elements": { - "lastreviewed": "2024-09-01", + "lastreviewed": "2024-11-01", "comment": "no published content yet" }, "immersive-web/occlusion": { - "lastreviewed": "2024-09-01", + "lastreviewed": "2024-11-01", "comment": "no published content yet" }, "immersive-web/marker-tracking": { - "lastreviewed": "2024-09-01", + "lastreviewed": "2024-11-01", "comment": "marked as unstable API" }, "immersive-web/WebXR-WebGPU-Binding": { - "lastreviewed": "2024-09-01", + "lastreviewed": "2024-11-01", "comment": "no published content yet" }, "WebAudio/web-audio-api-v2": { - "lastreviewed": "2024-09-01", + "lastreviewed": "2024-11-01", "comment": "no spec yet" }, "WICG/resource-bundles": { - "lastreviewed": "2024-09-01", + "lastreviewed": "2024-11-01", "comment": "no published content yet" }, "WICG/privacy-preserving-ads": { - "lastreviewed": "2024-09-01", + "lastreviewed": "2024-11-01", "comment": "no published content yet" }, "WICG/lock-screen": { - "lastreviewed": "2024-09-01", + "lastreviewed": "2024-11-01", "comment": "no published content yet" }, "WICG/storage-foundation-api-explainer": { - "lastreviewed": "2024-09-01", + "lastreviewed": "2024-11-01", "comment": "no published content yet" }, "WICG/shared-element-transitions": { - "lastreviewed": "2024-09-01", + "lastreviewed": "2024-11-01", "comment": "no published content yet" }, "WICG/CHIPS": { - "lastreviewed": "2024-09-01", + "lastreviewed": "2024-11-01", "comment": "no published content yet, ongoing IETF draft at https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/draft-cutler-httpbis-partitioned-cookies" }, "privacycg/ad-topic-hints": { - "lastreviewed": "2024-09-01", + "lastreviewed": "2024-11-01", "comment": "no published content yet" }, "WICG/color-api": { - "lastreviewed": "2024-09-01", + "lastreviewed": "2024-11-01", "comment": "early exploration phase; no clear implementation plan yet" }, "WICG/bundle-preloading": { - "lastreviewed": "2024-09-01", + "lastreviewed": "2024-11-01", "comment": "no published content yet" }, "immersive-web/capture": { - "lastreviewed": "2024-09-01", + "lastreviewed": "2024-11-01", "comment": "Empty spec" }, "WICG/multicapture": { - "lastreviewed": "2024-09-01", + "lastreviewed": "2024-11-01", "comment": "early exploration phase; no intent to prototype and no clear implementation plan yet" }, "tc39/proposal-regexp-set-notation": { - "lastreviewed": "2024-09-01", + "lastreviewed": "2024-11-01", "comment": "no published content yet, actual content in a Google Doc" }, "tc39/proposal-regexp-v-flag": { - "lastreviewed": "2024-09-01", + "lastreviewed": "2024-11-01", "comment": "no published content yet, actual content in a Readme" }, "tc39/proposal-duplicate-named-capturing-groups": { - "lastreviewed": "2024-09-01", + "lastreviewed": "2024-11-01", "comment": "no published content yet, actual content in PR https://github.com/tc39/ecma262/pull/2721" }, "tc39/proposal-decorator-metadata": { - "lastreviewed": "2024-09-01", + "lastreviewed": "2024-11-01", "comment": "template spec, no actual content yet" }, "WICG/origin-policy": { - "lastreviewed": "2024-09-01", + "lastreviewed": "2024-11-01", "comment": "proposal put on hold" }, "WICG/ab-worker-prototype": { - "lastreviewed": "2024-09-01", + "lastreviewed": "2024-11-01", "comment": "no published content yet" }, "WICG/unload-beacon": { - "lastreviewed": "2024-09-01", + "lastreviewed": "2024-11-01", "comment": "spec marked as unofficial draft" }, "WICG/mobile-document-request-api": { - "lastreviewed": "2024-09-01", + "lastreviewed": "2024-11-01", "comment": "no published content yet" }, "WICG/screen-brightness": { - "lastreviewed": "2024-09-01", + "lastreviewed": "2024-11-01", "comment": "no published content yet" }, "w3c/rch-rdc": { - "lastreviewed": "2024-09-01", + "lastreviewed": "2024-11-01", "comment": "empty spec for now" }, "w3c/rch-rdh": { - "lastreviewed": "2024-09-01", + "lastreviewed": "2024-11-01", "comment": "empty spec for now" }, "WICG/pending-beacon": { - "lastreviewed": "2024-09-01", + "lastreviewed": "2024-11-01", "comment": "Origin trial in Chrome but spec still flagged as unofficial proposal draft" }, "WICG/view-transitions": { - "lastreviewed": "2024-09-01", + "lastreviewed": "2024-11-01", "comment": "no published content yet" }, "immersive-web/front-facing-camera": { - "lastreviewed": "2024-09-01", + "lastreviewed": "2024-11-01", "comment": "no published content yet" }, "WICG/capture-all-screens": { - "lastreviewed": "2024-09-01", + "lastreviewed": "2024-11-01", "comment": "Not for general browsers, only exposed in Chromium behind the MultiScreenCaptureAllowedForUrls enterprise policy with an allowlist of origins." }, "w3c/audio-focus": { - "lastreviewed": "2024-09-01", + "lastreviewed": "2024-11-01", "comment": "no published content yet" }, "WICG/compression-dictionary-transport": { - "lastreviewed": "2024-09-01", + "lastreviewed": "2024-11-01", "comment": "no published content yet" }, "WICG/bfcache-not-restored-reason": { - "lastreviewed": "2024-09-01", + "lastreviewed": "2024-11-01", "comment": "no published content yet" }, "WICG/identity-credential": { - "lastreviewed": "2024-09-01", + "lastreviewed": "2024-11-01", "comment": "no published content yet" }, "WICG/service-worker-static-routing-api": { - "lastreviewed": "2024-09-01", + "lastreviewed": "2024-11-01", "comment": "no published content yet" }, "WICG/accessible-notifications": { - "lastreviewed": "2024-09-01", + "lastreviewed": "2024-11-01", "comment": "no published content yet" }, "immersive-web/webxr-accessibility": { - "lastreviewed": "2024-09-01", + "lastreviewed": "2024-11-01", "comment": "no published content yet" }, "WICG/dbsc": { - "lastreviewed": "2024-09-01", + "lastreviewed": "2024-11-01", "comment": "In development in Chromium but no entry in Chromestatus" }, "WICG/PEPC": { - "lastreviewed": "2024-09-01", + "lastreviewed": "2024-11-01", "comment": "no published content yet" }, "WICG/coop-restrict-properties": { - "lastreviewed": "2024-09-01", + "lastreviewed": "2024-11-01", "comment": "no published content yet" }, "screen-share/capture-all-screens": { - "lastreviewed": "2024-09-01", + "lastreviewed": "2024-11-01", "comment": "still early exploration phase; no clear implementation plan yet" }, "w3c/p2p-webtransport": { - "lastreviewed": "2024-09-01", + "lastreviewed": "2024-11-01", "comment": "client to server should be overtaken by WebTransport, status of p2p unclear, see https://github.com/w3c/p2p-webtransport/issues/140" }, "w3c/webrtc-rtptransport": { - "lastreviewed": "2024-09-01", + "lastreviewed": "2024-11-01", "comment": "early draft, sections are mostly empty for now" }, "WICG/web-printing": { - "lastreviewed": "2024-09-01", + "lastreviewed": "2024-11-01", "comment": "no published content yet" }, "WICG/local-peer-to-peer": { - "lastreviewed": "2024-09-01", + "lastreviewed": "2024-11-01", "comment": "early exploration phase; no clear implementation plan yet" }, "WICG/pointer-event-extensions": { - "lastreviewed": "2024-09-01", + "lastreviewed": "2024-11-01", "comment": "no published content yet" }, "immersive-web/body-tracking": { - "lastreviewed": "2024-09-01", + "lastreviewed": "2024-11-01", "comment": "no published content yet" }, "privacycg/storage-access-headers": { "comment": "spec is empty", - "lastreviewed": "2024-09-09" + "lastreviewed": "2024-11-01" } }, "specs": { "https://svgwg.org/specs/animation-elements/animation-elements.html": { "comment": "Still lots of todo", - "lastreviewed": "2024-09-01" + "lastreviewed": "2024-11-01" }, "https://drafts.csswg.org/css-2024/": { "comment": "Not yet published and spec would take over as current spec in the series if it was added right away", - "lastreviewed": "2024-09-01" + "lastreviewed": "2024-11-01" }, "https://drafts.csswg.org/css-block-3/": { "comment": "Placholder for an eventual CSS Block Layout Level 3 Module", - "lastreviewed": "2024-09-01" + "lastreviewed": "2024-11-01" }, "https://drafts.csswg.org/css-contain-4/": { "comment": "No spec yet", - "lastreviewed": "2024-09-01" + "lastreviewed": "2024-11-01" }, "https://drafts.csswg.org/css-floats-3/": { "comment": "No spec yet", - "lastreviewed": "2024-09-01" + "lastreviewed": "2024-11-01" }, "https://drafts.csswg.org/css-page-template-1/": { "comment": "Marked as not ready for implementation", - "lastreviewed": "2024-09-01" + "lastreviewed": "2024-11-01" }, "https://drafts.csswg.org/web-animations-css-integration/": { "comment": "Seems dormant", - "lastreviewed": "2024-09-01" + "lastreviewed": "2024-11-01" }, "https://drafts.css-houdini.org/box-tree-api/": { "comment": "Marked as collection of ideas, no clear implementation plans yet", - "lastreviewed": "2024-09-01" + "lastreviewed": "2024-11-01" }, "https://svgwg.org/specs/markers/": { "comment": "incomplete draft not being maintained, should be classified only as rough proposal per https://github.com/w3c/svgwg/issues/824#issuecomment-790946863", - "lastreviewed": "2024-09-01" + "lastreviewed": "2024-11-01" }, "https://www.w3.org/TR/svg-markers/": { "comment": "incomplete draft not being maintained, should be classified only as rough proposal per https://github.com/w3c/svgwg/issues/824#issuecomment-790946863", - "lastreviewed": "2024-09-01" + "lastreviewed": "2024-11-01" }, "https://svgwg.org/specs/paths/": { "comment": "incomplete draft not being maintained, should be classified only as rough proposal per https://github.com/w3c/svgwg/issues/824#issuecomment-790946863", - "lastreviewed": "2024-09-01" + "lastreviewed": "2024-11-01" }, "https://www.w3.org/TR/svg-paths/": { "comment": "incomplete draft not being maintained, should be classified only as rough proposal per https://github.com/w3c/svgwg/issues/824#issuecomment-790946863", - "lastreviewed": "2024-09-01" + "lastreviewed": "2024-11-01" }, "https://w3c.github.io/PFE/RangeRequest.html": { "comment": "being split-off from main spec https://github.com/w3c/PFE/pull/9/files; stub", - "lastreviewed": "2024-09-01" + "lastreviewed": "2024-11-01" }, "https://dev.w3.org/html5/html-sourcing-inband-tracks/": { - "lastreviewed": "2024-09-01", + "lastreviewed": "2024-11-01", "comment": "no longer worked on and implementation status is unclear" }, "https://wicg.github.io/document-isolation-policy/": { "comment": "Chrome status entry https://chromestatus.com/feature/5141940204208128 says no active development and no known standard positions yet", - "lastreviewed": "2024-10-04" + "lastreviewed": "2024-11-01" }, "https://w3c-fedid.github.io/login-status/": { "comment": "FedCM still contains the Login Status API as sub-section for now (and TR link actually targets it, which will likely confuse tooling)", - "lastreviewed": "2024-10-04" + "lastreviewed": "2024-11-01" } } } \ No newline at end of file