diff --git a/css-cascade-6/Overview.bs b/css-cascade-6/Overview.bs
index 26c2bfa2d2f..c36e10fee97 100644
--- a/css-cascade-6/Overview.bs
+++ b/css-cascade-6/Overview.bs
@@ -51,6 +51,199 @@ Introduction and Missing Sections
if you are implementing anything, please use Level 5 as a reference.
We will merge the Level 5 text into this draft once it reaches CR.
+Importing Style Sheets: the ''@import'' rule
+ The @import rule allows users to import style rules from other style sheets.
+ If an ''@import'' rule refers to a valid stylesheet,
+ user agents must treat the contents of the stylesheet as if they were written in place of the ''@import'' rule,
+ with two exceptions:
+ * If a feature
+ (such as the ''@namespace'' rule)
+ explicitly defines that it only applies to a particular stylesheet,
+ and not any imported ones,
+ then it doesn't apply to the imported stylesheet.
+ * If a feature relies on the relative ordering of two or more constructs in a stylesheet
+ (such as the requirement that ''@namespace'' rules must not have any other rules other than
+ ''@import'' preceding it),
+ it only applies between constructs in the same stylesheet.
+ For example, [=declarations=] in style rules from imported stylesheets interact with the cascade
+ as if they were written literally into the stylesheet at the point of the ''@import''.
+ Any ''@import'' rules must precede all other valid at-rules and style rules in a style sheet
+ (ignoring ''@charset'' and @layer statement rules)
+ and must not have any other valid at-rules or style rules between it and previous ''@import'' rules,
+ or else the ''@import'' rule is invalid.
+ The syntax of ''@import'' is:
+ @import [ <> | <> ]
+ [ layer | layer(<>) ]?
+ <> ;
+ <import-conditions> = [ supports( [ <> | <> ] ) ]?
+ <>?
+ where:
+ * the <> or <>
+ gives the URL of the style sheet to be imported.
+ * the optional ''layer'' keyword or ''layer()'' function
+ assigns the contents of the style sheet
+ into its own anonymous [=cascade layer=]
+ or into the named [=cascade layer=].
+ The layer is added to the [[#layer-ordering|layer order]]
+ even if the import fails to load the stylesheet,
+ but is subject to any [=import conditions=]
+ (just as if declared by an ''@layer'' rule wrapped
+ in the appropriate [=conditional group rules=]).
+ * the optional <>
+ states the [=import conditions=] under which it applies.
+ The following layer imports load the style sheets into
+ the ''framework.component'' layer, and an un-named layer, respectively:
+ @import url("tabs.css") layer(framework.component);
+ @import url("override.css") layer;
+ If a <> is provided,
+ it must be interpreted as a <> with the same value.
+ The following lines are equivalent in meaning
+ and illustrate both ''@import'' syntaxes
+ (one with ''url()'' and one with a bare string):
+ @import "mystyle.css";
+ @import url("mystyle.css");
+Conditional ''@import'' Rules
+ Import conditions allow the import to be media– or feature-support–dependent.
+ In the absence of any import conditions, the import is unconditional.
+ (Specifying ''@media/all'' for the <> has the same effect.)
+ If the import conditions do not match,
+ the rules in the imported stylesheet do not apply,
+ exactly as if the imported stylesheet were wrapped in ''@media'' and/or ''@supports'' blocks with the given conditions.
+ The following rules illustrate how ''@import'' rules can be made media-dependent:
+ @import url("fineprint.css") print;
+ @import url("bluish.css") projection, tv;
+ @import url("narrow.css") handheld and (max-width: 400px);
+ User agents may therefore avoid fetching a conditional import
+ as long as the import conditions do not match.
+ Additionally, if a <> blocks the application of the imported style sheet,
+ the UA must not fetch the style sheet (unless it is loaded through some other link)
+ and must return null for the import rule's CSSImportRule.styleSheet value
+ (even if it is loaded through some other link).
+ The following rule illustrates how an author can provide fallback rules for legacy user agents
+ without impacting network performance on newer user agents:
+ @import url("fallback-layout.css") supports(not (display: flex));
+ @supports (display: flex) {
+ ...
+ }
+ The [=import conditions=] are given by
+ <>, which is parsed and interpreted as a media query list,
+ and <>, is parsed and interpreted as a [[supports query]].
+ If a <> is given in place of a <>,
+ it must be interpreted as a <>
+ (i.e. the extra set of parentheses is implied)
+ and treated as a <>.
+ For example, the following two lines are equivalent:
+ @import "mystyle.css" supports(display: flex);
+ @import "mystyle.css" supports((display: flex));
+ The evaluation and full syntax of the import conditions
+ are defined by the Media Queries [[!MEDIAQ]]
+ and CSS Conditional Rules [[!CSS-CONDITIONAL-3]] specifications.
+Processing Stylesheet Imports
+ When the same style sheet is imported or linked to a document in multiple places,
+ user agents must process (or act as though they do) each link
+ as though the link were to an independent style sheet.
+ Note: This does not place any requirements on resource fetching,
+ only how the style sheet is reflected in the CSSOM and used in specs such as this one.
+ Assuming appropriate caching,
+ it is perfectly appropriate for a UA to fetch a style sheet only once,
+ even though it's linked or imported multiple times.
+ The [=cascade origin=] of an imported style sheet is the [=cascade origin=] of the style sheet that imported it.
+ The environment encoding of an imported style sheet is the encoding of the style sheet that imported it. [[css-syntax-3]]
+Content-Type of CSS Style Sheets
+ The processing of imported style sheets depends on the actual type of the linked resource:
+ * If the resource does not have [=Content-Type metadata=],
+ the type is treated as text/css
+ * If the host document is in [=quirks mode=],
+ and the host document's origin is [=same origin=]
+ with the linked resource [=/response's=] [=response/URL's=] origin,
+ the type is treated as text/css
+ * Otherwise, the type is determined from its [=Content-Type metadata=].
+ If the linked resource's type is text/css
+ it must be interpreted as a CSS style sheet.
+ Otherwise, it must be interpreted as a network error.