Users can use the website to request items to view in the library; we provide a series of APIs to help them do that.
This is what the flow looks like:
participant user
participant front end
participant works API
participant items API
participant requests API
participant Sierra
user->>front end: views a works page<br/> with items
front end->>works API: get information about<br/>items on a work
works API-->>front end: OK
front end->>items API: get up-to-date status of items<br/>using catalogue ID
items API->>works API: get matching Sierra IDs<br/>for catalogue IDs
works API-->>items API: OK
items API->>Sierra: get latest Sierra item data
Sierra-->>items API: OK
items API->>front end: returns items with up-to-date status
front end->>front end: render items with<br/>updated information
user->>front end: clicks "Request item"
front end->>requests API: request an item using catalogue ID
requests API->>works API: get matching Sierra IDs<br/>for catalogue IDs
works API-->>requests API: OK
requests API->>Sierra: place request in<br/>Sierra
Sierra-->>requests API: OK
requests API->>front end: return result of request to user