- Request for comments (RFC)
- RFC 001: Matcher architecture
- RFC 002: Archival Storage Service
- RFC 003: Asset Access
- RFC 004: METS Adapter
- RFC 005: Reporting Pipeline
- RFC 006: Reindexer architecture
- RFC 007: Goobi Upload
- RFC 008: API Filtering
- RFC 009: AWS account setup
- RFC 010: Data model
- RFC 011: Network Architecture
- RFC 012: API Architecture
- RFC 013: Release & Deployment tracking
- RFC 014: Born digital workflow
- RFC 015: How we work
- RFC 016: Holdings service
- URL Design
- Pipeline Tracing
- Platform Reliability
- RFC 020: Locations and requesting
- RFC 021: Data science in the pipeline
- RFC 022: Logging
- RFC 023: Images endpoint
- RFC 024: Library management
- RFC 025: Tagging our Terraform resources
- RFC 026: Relevance reporting service
- RFC 026: Relation Embedder
- RFC 027: Pipeline Intermediate Storage
- RFC 029: Work state modelling
- Pipeline merging
- RFC 031: Relation Batcher
- RFC 032: Calm deletion watcher
- RFC 033: Api internal model versioning
- RFC 034: Modelling Locations in the Catalogue API
- RFC 035: Modelling MARC 856 "web linking entry"
- RFC 036: Modelling holdings records
- API faceting principles & expectations
- Matcher versioning
- Requesting API design
- TEI Adapter
- Tracking changes to the Miro data
- How do we tell users how to find stuff?
- Removing deleted records from (re)indexes
- RFC 044: Tracking Patron Deletions
- Work relationships in Sierra, part 2
- Born Digital in IIIF
- Transitive hierarchies in Sierra
- RFC 047: Changing the structure of the Catalogue API index
- RFC 048: Concepts work plan
- RFC 049: Changing how aggregations are retrieved by the Catalogue API
- RFC 050: Design considerations for the concepts API
- RFC 051: Ingesting Library of Congress concepts
- RFC: 052: The Concepts Pipeline - phase one
- RFC 053: Logging in Lambdas
- RFC 054: Authoritative ids with multiple Canonical ids.
- RFC 055: Genres as Concepts
- RFC 055: Content API
- RFC 056: Prismic to Elasticsearch ETL pipeline
- RFC 57: Relevance testing
- RFC 059: Splitting the catalogue pipeline Terraform
- RFC 060: Service health-check principles
- RFC 060: Offsite requesting
- Content-api: next steps