All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
4.3.2 (2021-03-27)
- lines: add separator for input message fix #254 (2b085d9)
- read_it/meet_pipe: typos fix #259 (468d2eb)
4.3.1 (2021-01-23)
- ** write_to_me:** Typos (eb9b09c)
- meet_pipe: clarify stream explanation (6e109b5)
- read_it: remove constructor args (216bae6)
4.3.0 (2020-09-16)
- add writable problem (01a2be1)
- duplexer_redux: fix input message (89795a0)
- read_it: adjust wording on challenge instructions (210cb33)
- read_it: simplify reference solution (4c8d6e2)
4.2.1 (2020-06-20)
- read_it: specify how readable will receive content (b877f22)
- meet_pipe: add an introduction about stream and pipe (f38d649)
- add problem to implement a Readable stream (7dcab70)
- change problems files to markdown (6704af0)
- add default messages (ba718c9)
- secretz: update problem description (6a8bbf4)
- call solutionSetup after execute on exercise (2183015)
- output message (76200f2)
- set appDir to fix i18n lookup (0c4b04c)
- stop cheating in concat solution (a2fd01a)
- update concat problem description (6bcb767)
- use
- use workshopper-adventure/adventure instead adventure (5bcf696)
- update problems to use workshopper-exercise (35db979)
- use workshopper-adventure core (29c9e85)
- update websockets problem (74160ac)
- add default messages (ba718c9)
- output message (76200f2)
- set appDir to fix i18n lookup (0c4b04c)
- use
4.1.1 (2018-01-22)
- tar.Parse class has to be invoked with new.
- Remove objectMode: true for the duplexer solution
4.1.0 (2017-04-05)
Contains several updates in definitions of problems, making exercises more accessible.
- Add documentation on contributing
- Create directory for stream adventure and unique program
- Add a new file creation step, and verify command - combiner
- Add a new file creation step, and verify command - concat
- Update badge
- Update LINES problem definition
- Update http-client problem definition
- Update duplexer problem
- Update duplexer-redux problem definition