We aim to measure nucleotide diversity (pi) for each of three clades of Sb: one carried by S. invicta/macdonaghi populations and two carried by S. richteri populations.
Our study only considers SNPs located in the exons, introns and 1000 basepairs upstream and downstream of BUSCO genes (hymenopteran single copy genes). The coordinates for study are here:
wc -l input/gng20170922.busco4.complete.extended1000bp.coordinates-fixed.merged.bed
# 4041
ls input/
wc -l input/richteri1_littleb.txt
wc -l input/richteri2_littleb.txt
wc -l input/invicta1_littleb.txt
# 34 input/richteri1_littleb.txt
# 10 input/richteri2_littleb.txt
# 62 input/invicta1_littleb.txt
The files were not formatted properly:
cat input/richteri1_littleb.txt \
| tr "−" "-" | ruby -pe 'gsub(/---/, "-")' > tmp/richteri1_littleb.txt
cat input/richteri2_littleb.txt \
| tr "−" "-" | ruby -pe 'gsub(/---/, "-")' > tmp/richteri2_littleb.txt
cat input/invicta1_littleb.txt \
| tr "−" "-" | ruby -pe 'gsub(/---/, "-")' > tmp/invicta1_littleb.txt
PopGenome needs a pseudo-diploid VCF. Any call with a non-missing genotype is already pseudo-diploid ("0|0" or "1|1"), but missing calls are still ".".
mkdir -p tmp
conda activate 2020-05-env
bcftools view input/busco4.merged.filtered.SNP.genotypes.MaxMissing25.vcf.gz \
| bcftools annotate -x ^FORMAT/GT,FORMAT/DP \
| ruby -pe 'gsub(/\.:/, ".|.:")' \
| bgzip -c \
> tmp/gt.vcf.gz
tabix -p vcf tmp/gt.vcf.gz
bcftools query -l tmp/gt.vcf.gz > tmp/samplelist
mkdir results
bcftools view --samples-file tmp/richteri1_littleb.txt tmp/gt.vcf.gz \
| bcftools view --min-ac=1 - \
| bgzip -c > results/richteri1.vcf.gz
bcftools view --samples-file tmp/richteri2_littleb.txt tmp/gt.vcf.gz \
| bcftools view --min-ac=1 - \
| bgzip -c > results/richteri2.vcf.gz
bcftools view --samples-file tmp/invicta1_littleb.txt tmp/gt.vcf.gz \
| bcftools view --min-ac=1 - \
| bgzip -c > results/invicta1.vcf.gz
tabix -p vcf results/richteri1.vcf.gz &
tabix -p vcf results/richteri2.vcf.gz &
tabix -p vcf results/invicta1.vcf.gz
cp tmp/richteri1_littleb.txt results
cp tmp/richteri2_littleb.txt results
cp tmp/invicta1_littleb.txt results
ln -sfr \
input/gng20170922.busco4.complete.chr16nr.extended1000bp.coordinates-fixed.merged.bed \
conda activate 2020-05-env
for p in richteri1 richteri2 invicta1; do
bcftools view -H results/${p}.vcf.gz \
| cut -f 1 | uniq > tmp/${p}.scaffolds
conda activate popgenome
for p in richteri1 richteri2 invicta1; do
Rscript vcf_region.R \
--input_vcf_index tmp/${p}.scaffolds \
--bed tmp/regions.bed \
--output_bed tmp/${p}.bed
for p in richteri1 richteri2 invicta1; do
Rscript diversity.R \
--input_vcf results/${p}.vcf.gz \
--bed tmp/${p}.bed \
--output_table tmp/${p}.csv \
1> tmp/${p}.csv.out \
2> tmp/${p}.csv.err
We then collate all the different tables
# Join all populations
inv <- read.csv("tmp/invicta1.csv", header = TRUE)
r1 <- read.csv("tmp/richteri1.csv", header = TRUE)
r2 <- read.csv("tmp/richteri2.csv", header = TRUE)
# A problem is that some regions are not present in the VCF (pi = 0)
busco_regions <- read.table("tmp/regions.bed")
colnames(busco_regions) <- c("scaffold", "start", "end")
add_pi_zero <- function(df, region_df) {
regions_in_df <- paste(df$scaffold, df$start, df$end)
bed_regions <- paste(region_df$scaffold, region_df$start, region_df$end)
# Find the regions that are not present in the measurements
absent_regions <- ! bed_regions %in% regions_in_df
if (any(absent_regions)) {
absent_regions <- cbind(
region_df[absent_regions, ],
matrix(NA, nrow = sum(absent_regions), ncol = ncol(df) - 3)
colnames(absent_regions) <- colnames(df)
# Make some stats 0
absent_regions$nuc.diversity.within <- 0
absent_regions$n.segregating.sites <- 0
absent_regions$nuc.diversity <- 0
df <- rbind(df, absent_regions)
# Return full table
inv <- add_pi_zero(inv, busco_regions)
r1 <- add_pi_zero(r1, busco_regions)
r2 <- add_pi_zero(r2, busco_regions)
# Join all populations
inv$population <- "invicta_1"
r1$population <- "richteri_1"
r2$population <- "richteri_2"
div_measurements <- rbind(inv, r1, r2)
# Add information on supergene region
regions <- read.table("input/chr16.scf-supergene-assignment.txt")
colnames(regions)[1:3] <- c("chr", "start", "end")
regions_gr <- GRanges(regions)
div_measurements_gr <- div_measurements
div_measurements_gr$chr <- div_measurements_gr$scaffold
div_measurements_gr <- GRanges(div_measurements_gr)
reg_div_gr <- findOverlaps(regions_gr, div_measurements_gr)
div_measurements$region <- ""
div_measurements$region[subjectHits(reg_div_gr)] <- regions_gr$V6[queryHits(reg_div_gr)]
div_measurements$region[div_measurements$region == "nonrec"] <- "non_recombining"
div_measurements$region[div_measurements$region == "rec"] <- "chr16_recombining"
div_measurements$region[div_measurements$region == ""] <- "chr1_chr15"
file = "results/diversity_per_region.csv",
quote = FALSE,
row.names = FALSE)
Now, we need to aggregate population, per region.
read.csv("results/diversity_per_region.csv", header = TRUE) -> div_measurements
# Deal with populations
# richteri_1 is tagged as "1" in the manuscript
# richteri_2 is tagged as "2" in the manuscript
# 34 input/richteri1_littleb.txt
# 10 input/richteri2_littleb.txt
# 62 input/invicta1_littleb.txt
# Calculate aggregate value per population
div_measurements %>%
group_by(population, region) %>%
summarise(number_of_regions = n(),
total_region_size = sum(end - start),
nucleotide_diversity = sum(nuc.diversity.within) / sum(end - start)) %>%
mutate(population = recode(population,
invicta_1 = "S. invicta/macdonaghi\n(n = 62 males)",
richteri_1 = "S. richteri 1\n(n = 10 males)",
richteri_2 = "S. richteri 2\n(n = 34 males)")) ->
font_size <- 11
# Plot aggregate value as a bar plot
div_per_population %>%
# mutate(class = paste(population, region)) %>%
filter(region == "non_recombining") %>%
mutate(region = recode(region,
chr1_chr15 = "Chromosomes 1-15",
non_recombining = "Social chromosome supergene region")) %>%
ggplot(aes(x = population, y = nucleotide_diversity,
label = sprintf("%0.4f", round(nucleotide_diversity, 4)))) +
geom_bar(stat = "identity", width = 0.5) +
geom_text(position = position_stack(vjust = 1.05)) +
theme_bw() +
theme(axis.text.x = element_text(#angle = 0,
#hjust = 1, vjust = 1,
size = font_size,
colour = "black"),
axis.text.y = element_text(size = font_size, colour = "black"),
axis.title.x = element_text(size = font_size + 2,
margin = margin(b = 5, t = 10)),
axis.title.y = element_text(size = font_size + 2)) +
xlab("Population") +
ylab("Nucleotide diversity") -> pi_plot
ggsave(pi_plot, file="results/nucleotide_diversity_nr.pdf",
width = 6, height = 5)
div_per_population %>%
filter(region == "non_recombining") %>%
mutate(population = gsub("\n", " ", population)) %>%
write.csv(file = "results/diversity_per_region_summary_nr.csv",
quote = FALSE,
row.names = FALSE)
# Calculates percentage differences
div_per_population %>%
pivot_wider(names_from = population, values_from = nucleotide_diversity) -> div_per_population_diffs
div_per_population_diffs$percent_1 <- round(100 * div_per_population_diffs$`S. richteri 1\n(n = 10 males)` / div_per_population_diffs$`S. invicta/macdonaghi\n(n = 62 males)`)
div_per_population_diffs$percent_2 <- round(100 * div_per_population_diffs$`S. richteri 2\n(n = 34 males)` / div_per_population_diffs$`S. invicta/macdonaghi\n(n = 62 males)`)
A set of samples (AR164-bigB, SRR7028251, SRR7028249, SRR7028250, SRR7028257 and SRR7028261) should be relabelled to littleb, and their colony social status should be changed from "-m". Samples AR66 and AR142 need to be removed.
cat samplesrename
# AR164-6-bigB-p AR164-6-littleb-p
# SRR7028251_AL-149-bigB-m SRR7028251_AL-149-littleb-p
# SRR7028249_AL-145-bigB-m SRR7028249_AL-145-littleb-p
# SRR7028250_AL-141-bigB-m SRR7028250_AL-141-littleb-p
# SRR7028257_AL-158-bigB-m SRR7028257_AL-158-littleb-p
# SRR7028261_AL-139-bigB-m SRR7028261_AL-139-littleb-p
# AR18-1-littleb-p AR187-1-littleb-p
# AR187-1-littleb-p AR18-1-littleb-p
bcftools reheader -s samplesrename tmp/gt.vcf.gz > tmp/gt_renamed.vcf.gz
tabix -fp vcf tmp/gt_renamed.vcf.gz
To make sure it worked, make list of samples in old and new VCF:
bcftools query -l tmp/gt.vcf.gz > tmp/original_samples
bcftools query -l tmp/gt_renamed.vcf.gz > tmp/renamed_samples
Then use R to compare those list of samples to the expected in samplesrename
# list of samples in old and new VCF
original_samples <- as.character(read.table("tmp/app")$V1)
renamed_samples <- as.character(read.table("tmp/renamed_samples")$V1)
# Table used to rename samples
rename_table <- read.table("samplesrename")
# Are the samples changed to the expected value in the new VCF?
to_change <- match(rename_table$V1, original_samples)
stopifnot(renamed_samples[to_change] == rename_table$V2)
# Is any other sample changed? (it should not be)
stopifnot(original_samples[-to_change] == renamed_samples[-to_change])
Remove two samples.
bcftools view \
--samples ^AR66-5-bigB-p,AR142-1-bigB-m-1 \
tmp/gt_renamed.vcf.gz \
| bcftools view --min-ac=1 - \
| bgzip -c > tmp/gt_renamed.samples_removed.vcf.gz
tabix -p vcf tmp/gt_renamed.samples_removed.vcf.gz
Then move to results.
mv tmp/gt_renamed.samples_removed.vcf.gz results/gt.vcf.gz
mv tmp/gt_renamed.samples_removed.vcf.gz.tbi results/gt.vcf.gz.tbi
mv tmp/gt.vcf.gz tmp/gt_original_sample_names.vcf.gz
mv tmp/gt.vcf.gz.tbi tmp/gt_original_sample_names.vcf.gz.tbi
# rm tmp/gt_renamed.vcf.gz
# rm tmp/gt_renamed.vcf.gz.tbi