We use topology weighting (Martin and Van Belleghem 2017) on windows of BUSCO genes to test wether the evidence for introgression between S. invicta and S. richteri is shared across the supergene.
We have already created non-overlapping windows of four concatenates genes for the supergene and made a tree with R AxML for each window. This is the directory supergene
Below, we do the same for genes mapped to chromosome 1 and the remaining parts of chromosome 16. We add the trees made for the supergene region (supergene
), and use Twisst to analyse them.
ln -sf /PATH/TO/busco_genes_linkage_map.csv input
ln -sf /PATH/TO/linkage_map_supergene.txt input/gngs_linkage_map.txt
genes <- read.csv("input/busco_genes_linkage_map.csv")
genes_to_remove <- as.character(read.table("genes_to_remove")$V1)
genes_subset1 <- genes$chr == "chr1"
genes_subset1 <- genes[genes_subset1, ]
genes_chr16 <- genes$chr == "chr16" & genes$BUSCO_region == "chr16r"
genes_chr16 <- genes[genes_chr16, ]
genes_subset2 <- genes_chr16[genes_chr16$chr_start < 10e6,]
genes_subset3 <- genes_chr16[genes_chr16$chr_start > 10e6,]
stopifnot(!any(genes_chr16$BUSCO_gene_ID_Hymenoptera_ODB10 %in% genes_to_remove))
stopifnot(order(genes_subset1$chr_start) == 1:nrow(genes_subset1))
stopifnot(order(genes_subset2$chr_start) == 1:nrow(genes_subset2))
stopifnot(order(genes_subset3$chr_start) == 1:nrow(genes_subset3))
genes_subset1 <- genes_subset1[,"BUSCO_gene_ID_Hymenoptera_ODB10", drop=FALSE]
genes_subset2 <- genes_subset2[,"BUSCO_gene_ID_Hymenoptera_ODB10", drop=FALSE]
genes_subset3 <- genes_subset3[,"BUSCO_gene_ID_Hymenoptera_ODB10", drop=FALSE]
write.table(genes_subset1, file="tmp/genes_chr1", col.names=FALSE, quote=FALSE, row.names=FALSE)
write.table(genes_subset2, file="tmp/genes_chr16A", col.names=FALSE, quote=FALSE, row.names=FALSE)
write.table(genes_subset3, file="tmp/genes_chr16B", col.names=FALSE, quote=FALSE, row.names=FALSE)
Get the gene alignments:
ln -sf /PATH/TO/ALIGNMENTS input
cut -f 1 -d ' ' results/twisst_samples_low_missingness | sort > tmp/twisst_samples
wc -l tmp/twisst_samples
# 267 tmp/twisst_samples
# Parse the coordinates file
module load samtools/1.10
module load bcftools/1.10.2
module load ruby
module load seqtk/1.2
mkdir -p tmp/gene_sequences
# In the following, we
# - read a fasta file (one entry per line)
# - removes gene name from fasta headers
# - correct sample that was wrongly named in previous analyses
# - use seqtk to subset to the relevant samples
# - make sure we end up with the correct number of genes
# Run again, for all genes
cat tmp/genes_chr1 tmp/genes_chr16A tmp/genes_chr16B >> tmp/all_genes
while read p; do
cat input/per.gene.phylo.input/$p/$p.fasta.allsamples.fa \
| ruby -pe 'gsub(/\..*/, "")' \
| ruby -pe 'gsub(/SRR7028261_AL-139-bigB-m/, "SRR7028261_AL-139-littleb-p")' \
| ruby -pe 'gsub(/SRR7028251_AL-149-bigB-m/, "SRR7028251_AL-149-littleb-p")' \
| seqtk subseq - tmp/twisst_samples > tmp/gene_sequences/$p.fa
done < tmp/all_genes
Then we concatenate the samples for chr1:
module load phyx/1.1
wc -l tmp/genes_chr1
# 471
for i in {1..471..4}; do
sh concatenate_genes.sh chr1 $i
wc -l tmp/genes_chr16A
for i in {1..168..4}; do
sh concatenate_genes.sh chr16A $i
wc -l tmp/genes_chr16B
for i in {1..8..4}; do
sh concatenate_genes.sh chr16B $i
For chr16_B.
for i in {1..8..4}; do
echo $i >> tmp/chr16_B_list
module load parallel
mkdir -p results/concatenated_trees
cat tmp/chr16_B_list \
| parallel -j 2 bash raxml.sh chr16B {}
For chr1:
for i in {1..471..4}; do
echo $i >> tmp/chr1_list
module load parallel
mkdir -p results/concatenated_trees
cat tmp/chr1_list \
| parallel -j 35 bash raxml.sh chr1 {}
For chr16_A.
for i in {1..168..4}; do
echo $i >> tmp/chr16_A_list
cat tmp/chr16_A_list \
| parallel -j 36 bash raxml.sh chr16A {}
The last window only has 3 genes, so we remove it:
mv results/concatenated_trees/chr1_469 results/chr1_469_incomplete_window
for i in {1..468..4}; do
echo $i >> tmp/window_i
for j in {0..3}; do
sed -n "$((i+j))p" tmp/genes_chr1 >> tmp/gene${j}
echo "chr1" >> tmp/region
paste tmp/window_i tmp/gene0 tmp/gene1 tmp/gene2 tmp/gene3 tmp/region > tmp/genes_per_window
rm -f tmp/window_i tmp/gene0 tmp/gene1 tmp/gene2 tmp/gene3 tmp/region
for i in {1..168..4}; do
echo $i >> tmp/window_i
for j in {0..3}; do
sed -n "$((i+j))p" tmp/genes_chr16A >> tmp/gene${j}
echo "chr16A" >> tmp/region
paste tmp/window_i tmp/gene0 tmp/gene1 tmp/gene2 tmp/gene3 tmp/region >> tmp/genes_per_window
rm -f tmp/window_i tmp/gene0 tmp/gene1 tmp/gene2 tmp/gene3 tmp/region
for i in {1..8..4}; do
echo $i >> tmp/window_i
for j in {0..3}; do
sed -n "$((i+j))p" tmp/genes_chr16B >> tmp/gene${j}
echo "chr16B" >> tmp/region
paste tmp/window_i tmp/gene0 tmp/gene1 tmp/gene2 tmp/gene3 tmp/region >> tmp/genes_per_window
rm -f tmp/window_i tmp/gene0 tmp/gene1 tmp/gene2 tmp/gene3 tmp/region
In R, we add the chromosome coordinates:
windows <- read.table("tmp/genes_per_window")
colnames(windows) <- c("window", paste("gene", 1:4, sep = ""), "region")
coords <- read.csv("input/busco_genes_linkage_map.csv", header = TRUE)
start_gene_match <- match(windows$gene1, coords$BUSCO_gene_ID_Hymenoptera_ODB10)
windows$chrom <- coords$chr[start_gene_match]
windows$start <- coords$chr_start[start_gene_match]
end_gene_match <- match(windows$gene4, coords$BUSCO_gene_ID_Hymenoptera_ODB10)
windows$end <- coords$chr_end[end_gene_match]
windows$mid <- floor(windows$start + (windows$end - windows$start) / 2)
stopifnot(order(windows$chrom[windows$chrom == "chr1"]) == order(windows$window[windows$chrom == "chr1"]))
stopifnot(order(windows$chrom[windows$chrom == "chr16A"]) == order(windows$window[windows$chrom == "chr16A"]))
# If this was not true, then it would be wrong
windows <- windows[, c(7:10,6,1:5)]
write.table(windows, row.names=FALSE, sep = "\t", quote=FALSE,
file = "results/window_coordinates")
mkdir -p results/2021-08-07-twisst
cat results/window_coordinates | awk '$5 == "chr1" {print}' > tmp/coord
for i in $(cut -f 6 tmp/coord); do
cat results/concatenated_trees/chr1_${i}/chr1_${i}.raxml.bestTree \
>> results/2021-08-07-twisst/input.tree
cat results/window_coordinates | awk '$5 == "chr16A" {print}' > tmp/coord
for i in $(cut -f 6 tmp/coord); do
cat results/concatenated_trees/chr16A_${i}/chr16A_${i}.raxml.bestTree \
>> results/2021-08-07-twisst/input.tree
cat results/window_coordinates | awk '$5 == "chr16B" {print}' > tmp/coord
for i in $(cut -f 6 tmp/coord); do
cat results/concatenated_trees/chr16B_${i}/chr16B_${i}.raxml.bestTree \
>> results/2021-08-07-twisst/input.tree
wc -l results/2021-08-07-twisst/input.tree
# 161 results/2021-08-07-twisst/input.tree
We add the trees from chromosome 16.
ln -sf supergene/results/concatenated_trees input/supergene_trees
ln -sf supergene/results/window_coordinates input/supergene_coords
cat input/supergene_coords | awk '$1 == "chr16" {print}' > tmp/coord
for i in $(cut -f 5 tmp/coord); do
cat input/supergene_trees/${i}/window_${i}.raxml.bestTree \
>> results/2021-08-07-twisst/input.tree
We make a file with all window coordinates:
cat input/supergene_coords \
| awk 'BEGIN { OFS = "\t" } ; {if($1 == "chr16") print $1, $2, $3, $4, "chr16_supergene", $5, $6, $7, $8, $9}' > tmp/coord
mv results/window_coordinates tmp/window_coordinates
cat tmp/window_coordinates tmp/coord >> results/window_coordinates
wc -l results/window_coordinates
# 214 results/window_coordinates
We run twisst:
# Load the right environment
module load anaconda3
conda activate twisst
# Run the twisst script
python twisst/twisst.py \
-t results/2021-08-07-twisst/input.tree \
-w results/2021-08-07-twisst/weights_output.csv.gz \
--outputTopos results/2021-08-07-twisst/topologies_output.trees \
-g geminata \
-g saevissima \
-g pusillignis \
-g invicta/macdonaghi_Sb \
-g invicta/macdonaghi_SB \
-g richteri_Sb \
-g richteri_SB \
--outgroup geminata \
--method complete \
--groupsFile results/twisst_samples_low_missingness
This is done with twisst_interpretation.rmd
mv tmp/window results/