Author: Elyse Pennington ([email protected])
Goal: Modify the gas- and aerosol-phase chemical mechanisms in CMAQ, create a new solver, and reflect all the changes in Github. This tutorial includes examples impacting SOA precursors and products, and does not include impacts on ozone or other radical chemistry. Caution: If significant modifications are made to the gas-phase mechanism that alter the radical balance, the ebi implementation of the modified mechanism should be checked against an alternative solver such as ros3 or smvgear. This example does not include extensive modifications.
- mech_*.def
- AE namelist
- GC namelist
- NR namelist
- EmissCtrl namelist
- hlconst.F
- SpecDef_*.txt
- SpecDef_Dep_*.txt
- chemmech (see documentation)
- create_ebi (see documentation)
1. See the git instructions below if you'd like to reflect the chemical mechanism changes in your Github repository.
The mech.def file lists all of CMAQ's chemical reactions and is located at
- All reactions must begin with a name in < > brackets.
- All reactions must end with # followed by a reaction rate constant with units of cm3/(molecules s)
- In this tutorial, all reactions regenerate the oxidant.
In this example, we add an Odum 2-product model by reacting a gas-phase precursor (TPROD) with OH to form two semivolatile gas-phase species (SVTPROD1, SVTPROD2) with alpha values of 0.15 and 0.8 by mole and a rate constant of 4.5 x 10^-11 cm3/(molecules s):
<TWOPROD> TPROD + OH = OH + 0.15 * SVTPROD1 + 0.80 * SVTPROD2 #4.50E-11;
To form a nonvolatile, accumulation mode SOA species (ANONVJ) from a gas-phase IVOC species (NONVG) with an SOA yield of 5% by mole and a rate constant of 2 x 10-11 cm3/(molecules s):
<NONV> NONVG + OH = OH + 0.05 * ANONVJ #2.00E-11;
The GC namelist defines gas-phase species and their physical and chemical properties. It's located at
'SVTPROD1' ,216.66 ,'' ,-1 ,'' ,-1 ,'VD_GEN_ALD' , 1 ,'SVTPROD1' , 1 ,'SVTPROD1' ,'' ,'Yes' ,'Yes' ,'Yes' ,'Yes',
'SVTPROD2' ,182.66 ,'' ,-1 ,'' ,-1 ,'VD_GEN_ALD' , 1 ,'SVTPROD2' , 1 ,'SVTPROD2' ,'' ,'Yes' ,'Yes' ,'Yes' ,'Yes',
'TPROD' ,168.66 ,'' ,-1 ,'' ,-1 ,'' ,-1 ,'TPROD' , 1 ,'' ,'' ,'Yes' ,'' ,'Yes' ,'Yes',
'NONVG' ,119.54 ,'' ,-1 ,'' ,-1 ,'VD_GEN_ALD' , 1 ,'NONVG' , 1 ,'' ,'' ,'Yes' ,'Yes' ,'Yes' ,'Yes'
The AE namelist defines all aerosol-phase species and their physical and chemical properties and is located at
'ATPROD1J' ,216.66 ,'' ,-1 ,'' ,-1 ,'VMASSJ' , 1 ,'ORG_ACCUM' , 1 ,'SOA_ACCUM' ,'Yes' ,'Yes' ,'Yes' ,'Yes',
'ATPROD2J' ,182.66 ,'' ,-1 ,'' ,-1 ,'VMASSJ' , 1 ,'ORG_ACCUM' , 1 ,'SOA_ACCUM' ,'Yes' ,'Yes' ,'Yes' ,'Yes',
'ANONVJ' ,135.54 ,'' ,-1 ,'' ,-1 ,'VMASSJ' , 1 ,'ORG_ACCUM' , 1 ,'SOA_ACCUM' ,'Yes' ,'Yes' ,'Yes' ,'Yes',
The NR namelist defines gas-phase species that are not in the mech.def file, and their physical and chemical properties. Species in this file are typically the semivolatile gases that partition between the gas- and aerosol-phases. It's located at
The Emissions Control file describes how to input emissions and is located at
The SpecDef file is used to aggregate CMAQ output species (e.g. into PM2.5) and convert units. It is used to run the post-processing tool combine and is located at
NEWGAS ,ppbV ,1000.*NEWGAS[1]
To add a new species to OA mass, add it to the appropriate POA or SOA variables. For example, to add a new SOA accumulation-mode aerosol species ANEWJ, include '+ANEWJ[1]' in ASOMJ. This change will be reflected in subsequent variable definitions that use ASOMJ.
If your simulation domain is an urban area, move AGLYJ from AORGB (biogenic VOC-derived aerosol) to AORGA (anthropogenic VOC-derived SOA).
In some cases you may want to remove pcSOA from your SOA. In this case, you must create new variables with APCSOJ subtracted. For example, to calculate PM1 SOA without pcSOA, update the following variables:
AOMJ_MP ,ug m-3 ,APOMJ[0] + ASOMJ[0] - APCSOJ[1]
ATOTJ_MP ,ug m-3 ,ASO4J[1]+ANO3J[1]+ANH4J[1]+ANAJ[1]+ACLJ[1] \
PM1_TOT_MP ,ug m-3 ,ATOTI[0]*PM1AT[3]+ATOTJ_MP[0]*PM1AC[3]+ATOTK[0]*PM1CO[3]
To update the OC variables or the deposition of OC variables in the SpecDef_Dep_{mechanism}.txt file, you must know the OM:OC ratios of the new organic aerosol species.
SOA_DEFN.F describes SOA precursors, SOA species and their properties dealing with gas to particle partitioning. It is located at $CMAQ_REPO/CCTM/src/aero/aero6/SOA_DEFN.F. Note that the aero7 directory is linked to the aero6 directory.
You must add a row for every new SOA species and increase n_oa_list by the number of species added to the list.
To add semivolatile species that partition between the gas and aerosol phases (with a gas-phase species defined in the GC namelist), include their effective saturation concentrations (C*) and enthalpies of vaporization. In this example, ATPROD1 has the corresponding gas-phase species SVTPROD1 and has C* = 0.95 ug/m3 and enthalpy of vaporization = 131 J/mol. ATPROD2 has the corresponding gas-phase species SVTPROD2 and has C* = 485 ug/m3 and enthalpy of vaporization = 101 J/mol:
& oa_type('ATPROD1', 'SVTPROD1', ' ', 0.0000, 0.95, 131.0E3, F ),
& oa_type('ATPROD2', 'SVTPROD2', ' ', 0.0000, 485.00, 101.0E3, F )
To add a nonvolatile aerosol species:
& oa_type('ANONV ', ' ', ' ', 0.0000, 1.E-10, 1.0E0, T )
Note that these aerosol definitions do not include a specification of the size bin they fall into. That is instead defined in the AE namelist by I, J, or K (for Aitken, accumulation, or coarse mode aerosol, respectively) at the end of the variable name.
AERO_DATA.F defines all aerosol species and some of their properties. It is located at $CMAQ_REPO/CCTM/src/aero/aero6/AERO_DATA.F. Note that the aero7 directory is linked to the aero6 directory.
You must add a row for every new aerosol species and increase n_aerolist be the number of species added to the list.
To add a semivolatile organic aerosol species, set OM to T, set no_M2Wet to T, calculate korg from e.g. Pye et al., ACP, 2017, and use properties that match other organic species:
& spcs_list_type('ATPROD1 ', cm_set, 1400.0, T,F, 0, 2.8, 6.1,T, 'DUST ', 0.09),
& spcs_list_type('ATPROD2 ', cm_set, 1400.0, T,F, 0, 2.8, 6.1,T, 'DUST ', 0.05),
To add a nonvolatile organic aerosol species, set no_M2Wet to F:
& spcs_list_type('ANONV ', cm_set, 1400.0, F,F, 0, 2.8, 6.1,T, 'DUST ', 0.07),
Note that these aerosol definitions do not include a specification of the size bin they fall into. That is instead defined in the AE namelist by I, J, or K (for Aitken, accumulation, or coarse mode aerosol, respectively) at the end of the variable name.
hlconst.F calculates Henry's Law constants for species that participate in wet deposition. It's located in the relevant cloud directory at $CMAQ_REPO/CCTM/src/cloud/*/hlconst.F.
Each new row corresponds to a name used in the 'WET-SCAV SURR' column of the GC namelist. Increase MXSPCS by the number of species added to the list.
Based on the additions to the GC namelist in these examples, wet deposition surrogates must be added for TPROD, SVTPROD1, SVTPROD2, and NONVG. The first 3 columns are row numbers in the data matrix. Column 4 is the name of the wet deposition surrogate used in the GC namelist and will often be the same as the species name. Column 5 is the Henry's law constant at 298.15 K (M/atm). Column 6 is the enthalpy; for organic semivolatile species with unknown enthalpy, 6.0E+03 may be used. See references listed in hlconst.F for models to calculate Henry's Law constants where experimental data is unavailable.
DATA SUBNAME(217), A(217), E(217) / 'TPROD ', 3.87E+02, 6.0E+03 /
DATA SUBNAME(218), A(218), E(218) / 'SVTPROD1 ', 2.97E+06, 6.0E+03 /
DATA SUBNAME(219), A(219), E(219) / 'SVTPROD2 ', 7.99E+05, 6.0E+03 /
DATA SUBNAME(220), A(220), E(220) / 'NONVG ', 2.22E+03, 6.0E+03 /
Dry deposition surrogates may also be added, but are not covered in this tutorial.
See Chapter 5 or the Tutorials for more information.
Copy the source code from CMAQ_REPO to CMAQ_PROJECT.
Edit $CMAQ_PROJECT/UTIL/chemmech/scripts/bldit_chemmech.csh to make sure the correct compiler is set. Then run the build script.
Edit run_chemmech.csh
- Update correct Mechanism
- Set Mpath to the location of the mech.def file you modified above.
- Change the location of the tracer namelist file
set TR_NML = $CMAQ_REPO/CCTM/src/MECHS/trac0/Species_Table_TR_0.nml
If successful, it will output, for example:
Normal Completion of CHEMMECH
Author is NAME
output written to ../output/saprc07tic_ae7i_aq-Sep-02-2020
and will write RXNS_DATA_MODULE.F90 and RXNS_FUNC_MODULE.F90 to the output path. Check the output mechanism csv, html, and markdown files to confirm that chemmech ran correctly. Copy the two Fortran files to
Copy the source code from CMAQ_REPO to CMAQ_PROJECT.
Move bldrun_create_ebi.csh up one directory (from $CMAQ_PROJECT/UTIL/create_ebi/scripts/ to $CMAQ_PROJECT/UTIL/create_ebi/). Edit bldrun_create_ebi.csh:
- Update MECH for your mechanism.
- Set RXNS_DATA to the location of your chemmech output files.
- Set PAR_NEG_FLAG, DEGRADE_SUBS, SOLVER_DELT, and all MECH_*(species) variables to the setting that matches your mechanism. E.g. for saprc07tic_ae7i_aq:
setenv SOLVER_DELT 1.25
The reactions added in this tutorial do not affect radical species in ozone chemistry. If it did, we recommend checking predictions using the EBI solver against an alternative gas solver listed in the cctm build script such as ros3 and smvgear. Check Table 1 in the create_ebi documentation as an initial list of radical species that may require such benchmarking. The list grows if new radical cycles are added to a mechanism such as radicals from halogen compounds. Run:
If successful, it will output:
The following 10 output files were created:
Program CR_EBI_SOLVER completed successfully
if ( F == T ) then
exit ( )
and will write the hr*.F files to ${CMAQ_HOME}/CMAQv533/UTIL/create_ebi/output/ebi_${Mechanism}-$DATE-${COMPILER}/. Copy the hr*.F files to ${CMAQ_REPO}/CCTM/src/gas/ebi_${Mechanism}/.
See Chapter 5 or the Tutorials for more information. This will include all of the new files from ${CMAQ_REPO}/CCTM/src/ in $CMAQ_PROJECT/CCTM/BLD.
See Chapter 5 for more information about running the CCTM. See Chapter 8 for more information about running AMET, combine, sitecmp, etc. While running these post-processing tools, be sure to set file paths to the new files created in $CMAQ_REPO or $CMAQ_PROJECT/CCTM/BLD.
On the CMAQ Github page, fork the main branch to your personal repository using the Fork button in the upper right.
Clone your repository to your remote account. For example:
git clone https://[email protected]/username/CMAQ.git CMAQ_REPO_v533
This will request your Github password. You will now see the entire CMAQ repository in the directory you cloned it into. If you enter the top directory (e.g. CMAQ_REPO_v533/), there should now exist a file named .git.
Rename the remote link. For example:
git remote rename origin dev_push_repo
Link the cloned repo to the USEPA Github repo.
git remote add dev_repo https://[email protected]/USEPA/CMAQ.git
When modifying your repository, it's a good idea to check out a new branch. To create the branch:
git branch newchem
To move to that branch:
git checkout newchem
To look at all of your branches:
git branch
The branch you're currently working from will have an asterisk.
6. Modify the mechanism according to the instructions above.
If the USEPA repository is updated by EPA, you will see a statement such as "This branch is X commits behind USEPA:main" in Github online. You will likely want to keep your CMAQ up-to-date and will want to pull the updates to your repo. Make sure the files you've edited are backed up. Check the names of your remotes using:
git remote -v
If you've followed these instructions, your repository should be named dev_push_repo and the USEPA's repository should be named dev_repo. To pull in the updates from USEPA's main branch:
git pull dev_repo main
To view a summary of the changes you've made to your repo since your last commit, type "git status" from anywhere in the repo. If you've followed the instructions above, you should see:
# On branch newchem
# Changes not staged for commit:
# (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
# (use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)
# modified: CCTM/src/MECHS/saprc07tic_ae7i_aq/AE_saprc07tic_ae7i_aq.nml
# modified: CCTM/src/MECHS/saprc07tic_ae7i_aq/EmissCtrl_saprc07tic_ae7i_aq.nml
# modified: CCTM/src/MECHS/saprc07tic_ae7i_aq/GC_saprc07tic_ae7i_aq.nml
# modified: CCTM/src/MECHS/saprc07tic_ae7i_aq/RXNS_DATA_MODULE.F90
# modified: CCTM/src/MECHS/saprc07tic_ae7i_aq/RXNS_FUNC_MODULE.F90
# modified: CCTM/src/MECHS/saprc07tic_ae7i_aq/SpecDef_saprc07tic_ae7i_aq.txt
# modified: CCTM/src/MECHS/saprc07tic_ae7i_aq/mech_saprc07tic_ae7i_aq.def
# modified: CCTM/src/aero/aero6/AERO_DATA.F
# modified: CCTM/src/aero/aero6/SOA_DEFN.F
# modified: CCTM/src/cloud/acm_ae6/hlconst.F
# modified: CCTM/src/gas/ebi_saprc07tic_ae7i_aq/hrdata_mod.F
# modified: CCTM/src/gas/ebi_saprc07tic_ae7i_aq/hrdriver.F
# modified: CCTM/src/gas/ebi_saprc07tic_ae7i_aq/hrg1.F
# modified: CCTM/src/gas/ebi_saprc07tic_ae7i_aq/hrg2.F
# modified: CCTM/src/gas/ebi_saprc07tic_ae7i_aq/hrg3.F
# modified: CCTM/src/gas/ebi_saprc07tic_ae7i_aq/hrg4.F
# modified: CCTM/src/gas/ebi_saprc07tic_ae7i_aq/hrinit.F
# modified: CCTM/src/gas/ebi_saprc07tic_ae7i_aq/hrprodloss.F
# modified: CCTM/src/gas/ebi_saprc07tic_ae7i_aq/hrrates.F
# modified: CCTM/src/gas/ebi_saprc07tic_ae7i_aq/hrsolver.F
# modified: bldit_project.csh
To see a list of all lines that have been modified in those files, type "git diff".
To stage all modified files in current directory for commit:
git add -u
To stage specific files for commit:
git add [filename1] [filename2]
To commit:
git commit
A page indicating all changes in the commit will be displayed. Enter a description at the top and close the page using :x and Enter.
Make sure you don't push the changes to the USEPA CMAQ Github!
To push your changes from your newchem branch to your Github repository:
git push dev_push_repo newchem
You should now be able to see these changes in Github online.