A HMVC style web app development framework for Node.js, The entire Web App is break down into independent bricks.
- CSS in each brick will be modularized and applied to corresponding HTML
- Client-side JS in each brick will be parsed as a CommonJS module.
- HTML templates in each brick can include/extend another brick.
- Server-side JS in each brick will be executed (and context will be injected into HTML tempaltes) when included or extended.
- What's a brick?
- How does Brick.JS modularize your CSS?
- How to write client-side JS?
- How to customize the error page?
For usage details and contribution guide, see: brick.js wiki
brick-js/brick-demo is a minimal demo project for brick.js.
To get started:
git clone [email protected]:brick-js/brick-demo.git --depth=1
cd brick-demo && npm install
node app.js
Open http://localhost:3000 !
Install brick.js and brick-liquid(Liquid Template Engine, see below):
npm install --save brick.js brick-liquid
var express = require('express');
var path = require('path');
var brickJs = require('brick.js');
var Liquid = require('brick-liquid');
var less = require('brick-less');
var brk = brickJs({
root: path.join(__dirname, 'bricks')
// register engines and processors for brick.js
brk.engine('liquid', new Liquid());
brk.processor('less', less()); // see https://github.com/brick-js/brick-less
var app = express();
app.use('/', brk.express);
app.listen(3000, function () {
console.log('Example app listening on port 3000!');
var express = require('express');
var path = require('path');
var brickJs = require('brick.js');
var Liquid = require('brick-liquid');
var less = require('brick-less');
var brk = brickJs({
root: path.join(__dirname, 'bricks'),
html: {
entry: 'index.html',
engine: 'liquid' // default template engine,
// bricks may specify its own engine in package.json
// see: https://github.com/brick-js/brick.js/wiki/a-simple-brick
server: {
entry: 'server.js'
css: {
entry: 'index.less',
processor: 'less' // default CSS pre-processor
entry: 'client.js'
static: {
css: {
url: 'my-custom-url.css',
file: path.resolve(__dirname, '.build/site.css'),
comment: '/* brick: %s */',
js: {
url: 'my-custom-url.js',
file: path.resolve(__dirname, '.build/site.js'),
comment: '// brick: %s'
brk.engine('liquid', new Liquid());
brk.processor('less', less({root: path.join(__dirname, 'bricks')}));
Type: String
Default: path.join(__dirname, 'bricks')
is where the bricks are located. Each brick should be a folder consists of files specified by path
Type: String
Default: 'index.html'
, 'index.css'
, 'client.js'
, 'server.js'
Default file name for HTML/CSS/Client-Side-JavaScript/Server-Side-Javascript in the brick folder, see root
Type: Object
Template engine for brick.js. Available Template Engines:
- brick-hbs: Handlebars template engine for brick.js
- brick-liquid: Liquid template engine for brick.js
Template Engine Development Guide: Template Engine Interface
CSS Pre-Processor for style files. Available pre-processors:
- brick-js/brick-less: LESS pre-processor for brick.js.
Type: String
Default: '/104097114116116108101.css'
, '/104097114116116108101.js'
Set this for deployment purpose. Ex: 'http://cdn.anyway.com/xxxxx.css'
Type: String
Default: false
Set this for building purpose. Ex: '/Users/harttle/hello-world/.build/xxxxx.css'
When set to false
, the css/js file won't be saved.