An API Client that satisfies the xmtp-js
interface, to be used in Node.js applications.
- Uses GRPC/Protobuf instead of HTTP/JSON for better performance
- Uses the XMTP
endpoint to allow updating subscriptions without closing the connection - Configurable logger using
First, install the package in your project:
yarn add @xmtp/grpc-api-client
import { GrpcApiClient } from "@xmtp/grpc-api-client"
import { Client } from "@xmtp/xmtp-js"
const client = await Client.create(someWallet, {
apiClientFactory: GrpcApiClient.fromOptions,
subscribe(params: SubscribeParams, callback: SubscribeCallback, onConnectionLost: OnConnectionLostCallback): SubscriptionManager
This method is used to subscribe to a stream of new envelopes matching a predicate. It returns a SubscriptionManager
which provides methods to unsubscribe and update content topics.
publish(messages: PublishParams[])`
This method is used to publish messages to the network. It takes an array of PublishParams
as input.
query(params: QueryParams, options: QueryAllOptions): Promise<messageApi.Envelope[]>`
This method is used to query the store for messages. It returns a promise that resolves to an array of messageApi.Envelope
Subscribing to a stream
let numEnvelopes = 0
const subscriptionManager = apiClient.subscribe(
{ contentTopics: [randomTopic] },
() => {
Publishing messages
await apiClient.publish([buildPublishParams({}), buildPublishParams({})])
Querying for messages
const results = await apiClient.query({ contentTopic: randomTopic }, {})
Please refer to the test files for more detailed examples and use cases