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File metadata and controls

76 lines (53 loc) · 2.65 KB

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Natural language processing library for Apache Spark. It offers the following features:

  • Wraps Stanford CoreNLP, CJ Parser, Allenai PolyParser, and much more
  • All pluggable through a common data model
  • Easy preview of outputs
  • Easy scaling through Spark
  • Annotator outputs stored as columns
  • Incremental processing of annotations
  • Efficient serialization through Kryo

In addition, it offers easy connectivity with the Readr cloud tool:

  • Indices needed by Readr cloud computed in spark, and bulk loaded into Readr cloud
  • Also includes computation for Readr interface features, such as text similarity
  • Can be used in combination with readr-connect


We assume you have sbt 0.13 or higher installed. Start by creating an assembly for readr-spark.

sbt assembly

Next, you convert your data into a format readable by readr-spark. See this example.

We can now start the spark-shell and run a series of processors on this data.

SPARK_MEM=4G bin/spark-shell --master local[2] --jars "...../readr-spark/target/scala-2.10/spark-readr-assembly-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar" --driver-java-options "-Dspark.serializer=org.apache.spark.serializer.KryoSerializer -Dspark.kryo.registrator=com.readr.spark.MyRegistrator -Dspark.kryoserializer.buffer.mb=16"

Now you can run a few annotators

val sourceDir = "/Users/raphael/data/source/barrons-4th-grade"
val outDir = "/Users/raphael/data/processed/barrons-4th-grade"

implicit val isc = sc

import com.readr.spark._
import com.readr.spark.rr._
import com.readr.spark.index._
import com.readr.spark.allenai._
import com.readr.spark.stanford34._
import com.readr.spark.other._
import com.readr.spark.cj._
import com.readr.spark.frame._

implicit val se = new Schema

val a = read(sourceDir, se).repartition(2)

val b = annotate(a, new FactorieSegmenter, se)
val c = annotate(b, new FactorieTokenizer, se)
val d = annotate(c, new FactoriePOSTagger, se)
val e = annotate(d, new MorphaStemmer, se)
val f = annotate(e, new PolyParser, se)
val g = annotate(f, new com.readr.spark.allenai.SimpleMentionExtractor, se)
val n = g


write(n, outDir, se), n), n), n), n), n), n), n)

If you are interested in the annotations created, you can view them as follows: