+ Permalink
+ Fetching contributors…
+ Cannot retrieve contributors at this time
+ + | ############################# | +
+ | ##Project Site 'Cyclone" Scraper v2 | +
+ | ##This thing Scrapes everthing from the CSE 232 site Videos, Worksheets, Lecture Notes, and Project Files | +
+ | ##You need to supply your CSE user name and Password | +
+ | ############################# | +
+ | + | +
+ | ################################################################################################################ | +
+ | + | +
+ | ###Checking dependensies | +
+ | + | +
+ | import os | +
+ | try: | +
+ | import requests | +
+ | print ("Request library is good!! ") | +
+ | print() | +
+ | except: | +
+ | print("Request Library not found. Trying to install it. If not successfull then try it manually") | +
+ | os.system('pip install requests') | +
+ | + |
+ | try: | +
+ | print("Importing other libraries") | +
+ | from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth | +
+ | from urllib.parse import urljoin | +
+ | import msvcrt as m | +
+ | print() | +
+ | except: | +
+ | print("Just get those libraries man!!!") | +
+ | + | +
+ | try: | +
+ | from bs4 import BeautifulSoup | +
+ | print("BeautifulSoup library is good!! ") | +
+ | print() | +
+ | except: | +
+ | print("BeautifulSoup Library not found. Trying to install it. If not successfull then try it manually") | +
+ | os.system('pip install beautifulsoup4') | +
+ | + |
+ | import re | +
+ | import requests | +
+ | from bs4 import BeautifulSoup #getting the beasutiful soup library | +
+ | from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth | +
+ | from urllib.parse import urljoin | +
+ | import sys | +
+ | import msvcrt as m | +
+ | import posixpath | +
+ | import urllib.parse | +
+ | + |
+ | + | +
+ | ################################################################################################################ | +
+ | + | +
+ | ################################################################################################################ | +
+ | UNAME="" | +
+ | PASSWORD="" | +
+ | ################################################################################################################ | +
+ | + | +
+ | ################################################################################################################ | +
+ | + | +
+ | ###Actual Code | +
+ | + | +
+ | baseURL='http://www.cse.msu.edu/~cse232/' | +
+ | basePath=os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) | +
+ | + | +
+ | def returnBeautifiedObject(link,USERNAME='',PASS=''): | +
+ | requestObject=requests.get(link,auth=HTTPBasicAuth(USERNAME,PASS)) | +
+ | return BeautifulSoup(requestObject.text,"html.parser") | +
+ | + | +
+ | def downloadFiles(URL,PATH,book_name=''): | +
+ | if book_name=='': | +
+ | book_name=URL.split('/')[-1] | +
+ | + |
+ | os.chdir(PATH) | +
+ | + |
+ | print("Downloading: "+book_name+" ...") | +
+ | with open(book_name, 'wb') as book: | +
+ | a = requests.get(URL,auth=HTTPBasicAuth(UNAME,PASSWORD)) | +
+ | for block in a.iter_content(512): | +
+ | if not block: | +
+ | break | +
+ | book.write(block) | +
+ | + |
+ | def subFolderFileDownloader(URL,folderPath): | +
+ | tempBeautifiedObject=returnBeautifiedObject(URL,UNAME,PASSWORD) | +
+ | for link in tempBeautifiedObject.find_all('a'): | +
+ | if not os.path.exists(folderPath): | +
+ | os.makedirs(folderPath) | +
+ | if ".txt" in link['href'] or ".pdf" in link['href'] or ".cpp" in link['href'] or ".h" in link['href']: | +
+ | downloadFiles(URL+link['href'],folderPath) | +
+ | + |
+ | def getWorksheets(beautifiedBaseObject): | +
+ | worksheetURL='' | +
+ | worksheetFolderPath=os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))+'\Worksheets' | +
+ | if not os.path.exists(worksheetFolderPath): | +
+ | os.makedirs(worksheetFolderPath) | +
+ | + |
+ | for link in beautifiedBaseObject.find_all('a'): | +
+ | if 'Worksheets' in urljoin(baseURL,link['href']): | +
+ | worksheetURL=urljoin(baseURL,link['href']) | +
+ | worksheetHTMLObject=requests.get(worksheetURL) | +
+ | completedWorksheetURL='' | +
+ | beautifiedWorksheetHTMLObject=BeautifulSoup(worksheetHTMLObject.text,"html.parser") | +
+ | + |
+ | for link in beautifiedWorksheetHTMLObject.find_all('a',href=True): | +
+ | if (".pdf" in link['href'] or ".cpp" in link['href']): | +
+ | completedWorksheetURL=worksheetURL+'/'+link['href'] | +
+ | book_name = completedWorksheetURL.split('/')[-1] | +
+ | book_name=book_name[:1]+'orksheet'+book_name[1:] | +
+ | worksheetName=book_name | +
+ | worksheetFilePath=worksheetFolderPath+"\\"+book_name.split('.',1)[0] | +
+ | if not os.path.exists(worksheetFilePath): | +
+ | os.makedirs(worksheetFilePath) | +
+ | downloadFiles(completedWorksheetURL,worksheetFilePath,book_name) | +
+ | + |
+ | + | +
+ | def getLabs(beautifiedBaseObject): | +
+ | labBaseURLList=[] | +
+ | labFolderpath=os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))+'\Labs' | +
+ | if not os.path.exists(labFolderpath): | +
+ | os.makedirs(labFolderpath) | +
+ | + |
+ | for link in beautifiedBaseObject.find_all('a'): | +
+ | if 'week' in link['href'] and '.pdf' not in link['href']: | +
+ | labBaseURLList.append(urljoin(baseURL,link['href'])) | +
+ | labBaseURLList.pop(0) #deleting the URL without week number | +
+ | tempBeautifiedObject=None | +
+ | beautifiedLabObject=None | +
+ | + |
+ | for URL in labBaseURLList: | +
+ | tempBeautifiedObject=returnBeautifiedObject(URL,UNAME,PASSWORD) | +
+ | for link in tempBeautifiedObject.find_all('a'): | +
+ | if ('lab' in link['href'] and 'Weekly' in link['href']): | +
+ | beautifiedLabObject=returnBeautifiedObject(link['href'],UNAME,PASSWORD) | +
+ | for labLink in beautifiedLabObject.find_all('a'): | +
+ | if (".pdf" in labLink['href'] or ".cpp" in labLink['href'] or ".h" in labLink['href'] or "gdbinit" in labLink['href'] or '.txt' in labLink['href']): | +
+ | labFileURL=link['href']+"/"+ labLink['href'] | +
+ | if not os.path.exists(labFolderpath+"\\"+URL.split('/')[-2]): | +
+ | os.makedirs(labFolderpath+"\\"+URL.split('/')[-2]) | +
+ | labFilePath=labFolderpath+"\\"+URL.split('/')[-2] | +
+ | downloadFiles(labFileURL,labFilePath) | +
+ | + | +
+ | + |
+ | def getReadings(beautifiedBaseObject): | +
+ | readingBaseURLList=[] | +
+ | readingFolderPath=os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))+'\\Readings' | +
+ | if not os.path.exists(readingFolderPath): | +
+ | os.makedirs(readingFolderPath) | +
+ | + |
+ | for link in beautifiedBaseObject.find_all('a'): | +
+ | if 'week' in link['href'] and '.pdf' not in link['href']: | +
+ | readingBaseURLList.append(urljoin(baseURL,link['href'])) | +
+ | readingBaseURLList.pop(0) #deleting the URL without week number | +
+ | tempBeautifiedObject=None | +
+ | beautifiedReadingObject=None | +
+ | + |
+ | for URL in readingBaseURLList: | +
+ | tempBeautifiedObject=returnBeautifiedObject(URL,UNAME,PASSWORD) | +
+ | for link in tempBeautifiedObject.find_all('a'): | +
+ | if ('reading' in link['href']): | +
+ | beautifiedReadingObject=returnBeautifiedObject(link['href'],UNAME,PASSWORD) | +
+ | for readingLink in beautifiedReadingObject.find_all('a'): | +
+ | if (".pdf" in readingLink['href'] or ".cpp" in readingLink['href'] or ".h" in readingLink['href'] or '.txt' in readingLink['href']): | +
+ | readingFileURL=link['href']+"/"+readingLink['href'] | +
+ | if not os.path.exists(readingFolderPath+"\\"+URL.split('/')[-2]): | +
+ | os.makedirs(readingFolderPath+'\\'+URL.split('/')[-2]) | +
+ | readingFilePath=readingFolderPath+'\\'+URL.split('/')[-2] | +
+ | downloadFiles(readingFileURL,readingFilePath) | +
+ | + |
+ | + |
+ | def getVideos(beautifiedBaseObject): | +
+ | videoBaseURLList=[] | +
+ | videoFolderPath=os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))+'\\Videos' | +
+ | if not os.path.exists(videoFolderPath): | +
+ | os.makedirs(videoFolderPath) | +
+ | + |
+ | for link in beautifiedBaseObject.find_all('a'): | +
+ | if 'week' in link['href'] and '.pdf' not in link['href']: | +
+ | videoBaseURLList.append(urljoin(baseURL,link['href'])) | +
+ | videoBaseURLList.pop(0) #deleting the URL without week number | +
+ | tempBeautifiedObject=None | +
+ | beautifiedVideoObject=None | +
+ | + | +
+ | for URL in videoBaseURLList: | +
+ | tempBeautifiedObject=returnBeautifiedObject(URL,UNAME,PASSWORD) | +
+ | for liLink in tempBeautifiedObject.find_all('a'): | +
+ | if ('video' in liLink['href'] and '.mp4' in liLink['href']): | +
+ | temp=URL[:-URL.index('/')] | +
+ | if not os.path.exists(videoFolderPath+"\\"+URL.split('/')[-2]): | +
+ | os.makedirs(videoFolderPath+"\\"+URL.split('/')[-2]) | +
+ | videoFilePath=videoFolderPath+"\\"+URL.split('/')[-2] | +
+ | videoFileURL=temp[:temp.rfind('/')]+"/"+liLink['href'] | +
+ | bookName=liLink.text.strip()+".mp4" | +
+ | bookName=bookName.replace('\n','').replace('\t','') | +
+ | bookName=re.sub(' +',' ',bookName).capitalize() | +
+ | bookName=re.sub('[^a-zA-Z0-9 \n\.]', '', bookName) | +
+ | downloadFiles(videoFileURL,videoFilePath,bookName) | +
+ | print() | +
+ | + |
+ | + |
+ | def getProjects(beautifiedBaseObject): | +
+ | projectBaseURLList=[] | +
+ | projectFolderPath=os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))+'\\Projects' | +
+ | if not os.path.exists(projectFolderPath): | +
+ | os.makedirs(projectFolderPath) | +
+ | + |
+ | for link in beautifiedBaseObject.find_all('a'): | +
+ | if 'week' in link['href'] and '.pdf' not in link['href']: | +
+ | projectBaseURLList.append(urljoin(baseURL,link['href'])) | +
+ | projectBaseURLList.pop(0) #deleting the URL without week number | +
+ | tempBeautifiedObject=None | +
+ | beautifiedProjectObject=None | +
+ | + |
+ | for URL in projectBaseURLList: | +
+ | tempBeautifiedObject=returnBeautifiedObject(URL,UNAME,PASSWORD) | +
+ | for projectBaseLink in tempBeautifiedObject.find_all('a'): | +
+ | if 'project' in projectBaseLink['href'] and 'pdf' not in projectBaseLink['href']: | +
+ | projectBeautifiedObject=returnBeautifiedObject(projectBaseLink['href'],UNAME,PASSWORD) | +
+ | for link in projectBeautifiedObject.find_all('a'): | +
+ | if ".txt" in link['href'] or ".pdf" in link['href'] or ".cpp" in link['href'] or ".h" in link['href']: | +
+ | if not os.path.exists(projectFolderPath+"\\"+URL.split('/')[-2]): | +
+ | os.makedirs(projectFolderPath+"\\"+URL.split('/')[-2]) | +
+ | projectFilePath=projectFolderPath+"\\"+URL.split('/')[-2] | +
+ | projectFileURL=projectBaseLink['href']+"/"+link['href'] | +
+ | downloadFiles(projectFileURL,projectFilePath) | +
+ | if 'test' in link['href']: #for getting the test files | +
+ | if not os.path.exists(projectFolderPath+"\\"+URL.split('/')[-2]+"\\"+"tests"): | +
+ | os.makedirs(projectFolderPath+"\\"+URL.split('/')[-2]+"\\"+"tests") | +
+ | testFilePath=projectFolderPath+"\\"+URL.split('/')[-2]+"\\"+"tests" | +
+ | testFileURL=projectBaseLink['href']+"/"+link['href'] | +
+ | print() | +
+ | subFolderFileDownloader(testFileURL,testFilePath) | +
+ | print() | +
+ | + |
+ | def menu(): | +
+ | print("The list of choices are as follows. Choose the ones you like one by one. Don't worry you will get future chances (just as in life!!): \n") | +
+ | print("1. All the worksheets!\n") | +
+ | print("2. All the Lab files!\n") | +
+ | print("3. All the Lecture slides!\n") | +
+ | print("4. All the videos! (be carefull the total size is over 8 gigs!)\n") | +
+ | print("5. All the Project Files!\n") | +
+ | print("q. Nothing fam. Just get me out of here!\n") | +
+ | + |
+ | def main(): | +
+ | print("Welcome to CSE232 Scraper!!!!!!\n") | +
+ | menu() | +
+ | userInput=(input("So what do you want (not in life. What do you want right now!!!): ")) | +
+ | print() | +
+ | beautifiedBaseObject=returnBeautifiedObject(baseURL) | +
+ | while(True): | +
+ | if(userInput=='1'): | +
+ | print("Alright lets get those worksheets!!!\n") | +
+ | getWorksheets(beautifiedBaseObject) | +
+ | os.chdir(basePath) | +
+ | print() | +
+ | print('Alright the worsksheets are downloaded in the \"Worksheets\" folder. See if you want anything else!\n' ) | +
+ | menu() | +
+ | userInput=(input("Do you need anything else????: ")) | +
+ | print('\n\n') | +
+ | elif(userInput=='2'): | +
+ | print("Alright lets get those lab files!!!\n") | +
+ | getLabs(beautifiedBaseObject) | +
+ | os.chdir(basePath) | +
+ | print() | +
+ | print('Alright the Lab Files are downloaded in the \"Labs\" folder. See if you want anything else!\n' ) | +
+ | menu() | +
+ | userInput=(input("Do you need anything else????: ")) | +
+ | print('\n\n') | +
+ | elif(userInput=='3'): | +
+ | print("Alright lets get those lecture slides!!!\n") | +
+ | getReadings(beautifiedBaseObject) | +
+ | os.chdir(basePath) | +
+ | print() | +
+ | print('Alright the Leture Notes are downloaded in the \"Readings\" folder. See if you want anything else!\n' ) | +
+ | menu() | +
+ | userInput=(input("Do you need anything else????: ")) | +
+ | print('\n\n') | +
+ | elif(userInput=='4'): | +
+ | print("Alright lets get those videos!!!. Again this will take a lot of time. Professor Punch used a good camera lol\n") | +
+ | getVideos(beautifiedBaseObject) | +
+ | os.chdir(basePath) | +
+ | print() | +
+ | print('Alright the Videos are downloaded in the \"Videos\" folder. See if you want anything else!' ) | +
+ | menu() | +
+ | userInput=(input("Do you need anything else????: ")) | +
+ | print('\n\n') | +
+ | elif(userInput=='5'): | +
+ | print("Alright lets get those project files!!!\n") | +
+ | getProjects(beautifiedBaseObject) | +
+ | os.chdir(basePath) | +
+ | print() | +
+ | print('Alright Project Files are downloaded in the \"Projects\" folder. See if you want anything else!\n' ) | +
+ | menu() | +
+ | userInput=(input("Do you need anything else????: ")) | +
+ | print('\n\n') | +
+ | elif(userInput=='q'): | +
+ | print('\n\n') | +
+ | print("Alright fam! Take care! Be happy! Live long and prosper!!!!!!!!!!!!!") | +
+ | print('\n') | +
+ | inp=input("BTW do you want to delete this scraper file so that your credentials don't get into wrong hands???? (y/n): ") | +
+ | if inp=='y': | +
+ | os.remove(os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])) | +
+ | print('\n\n') | +
+ | break | +
+ | else: | +
+ | print("Seriously fam, Seriously. Pick one of the choices will ya!!\n") | +
+ | os.chdir(basePath) | +
+ | menu() | +
+ | print("Let's try this again\n") | +
+ | userInput=(input("Do you need anything else????: ")) | +
+ | print('\n\n') | +
+ | + |
+ | + |
+ | if __name__ == "__main__": | +
+ | main() | +
+ | + | +
+ | + | +
+ | + | +
+ | + | +
+ | + | +
+ | + | +
+ | + | +
+ | + | +
+ | + | +
+ | + | +
+ | + | +
+ | + | +
+ | + | +
+ | + | +
+ | + | +
+ | + | +
+ | + | +
+ | + | +
+ | + | +
+ | + | +
+ | + | +
+ | + | +
+ | + | +
+ | + | +
+ | + | +
+ | + | +
+ | + | +
+ | + | +
+ | + | +
+ | + | +
+ | + | +
+ | + | +
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+ | + | +
+ | + | +