- Permalink
- - | import os | -
- | #installing the BeautifulSoup and requests modules | -
- | os.system('pip install beautifulsoup4') | -
- | os.system('pip install requests') | -
- | print() | -
- | import requests | -
- | from bs4 import BeautifulSoup #getting the beasutiful soup library | -
- | from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth | -
- | from urllib.parse import urljoin | -
- | import msvcrt as m | -
- | - | -
- | - | -
- | ################################################ | -
- | baseURL="" | -
- | USERNAME="" | -
- | PASSWORD="" | -
- | ################################################ | -
- | - | -
- | - | -
- | #getting the HTML file using the request object | -
- | requestObject=requests.get(baseURL,auth=HTTPBasicAuth(USERNAME,PASSWORD)) | -
- | - | -
- | #"Beautifying" the HTML file using the html parser | -
- | soup=BeautifulSoup(requestObject.text,"html.parser") | -
- | - | -
- | #variables to hold the links | -
- | links=[] | -
- | small_link=[] | -
- | - | -
- | #getting all the <a> HTML tags | -
- | for link in soup.find_all('a'): | -
- | small_link.append(link['href']) #getting the link without the base URL | -
- | links.append(urljoin(baseURL,link['href'])) #joining the base and the relative URL | -
- | - | -
- | - | -
- | #getting the links that we are intrested in i.e. .txt .pdf and .cpp | -
- | correctRelativeURL=[] | -
- | correctCompletedURL=[] | -
- | for item in small_link: | -
- | if ".txt" in item or ".pdf" in item or ".cpp" in item: | -
- | correctRelativeURL.append(item) | -
- | - |
- | for item in links: | -
- | if ".txt" in item or ".pdf" in item or ".cpp" in item or ".h" in item: | -
- | correctCompletedURL.append(item) | -
- | - | -
- | #looping through the links, downloading files | -
- | for link in correctCompletedURL: | -
- | book_name = link.split('/')[-1] | -
- | print("Downloading: "+book_name+" ...") | -
- | with open(book_name, 'wb') as book: | -
- | a = requests.get(link,auth=HTTPBasicAuth(USERNAME,PASSWORD)) | -
- | for block in a.iter_content(512): | -
- | if not block: | -
- | break | -
- | book.write(block) | -
- | - | -
- | - |
- | #These lines delete the scraper file. Uncomment them if you don't want the file to be deleted | -
- | #os.remove(sys.argv[0]) | -
- | #print("Scraper File Removed!!!!") | -
- | print("\nPress a key to continue...") | -
- | m.getch() | -