KenLM is a library that produces n-gram binary and provides query API. It was written in C++, fortunately, WebAssembly can compile C/C++ program into LLVM bitcode, load the bitcode into the browser and integrate with JavaScript.
In order to use KenLM library in JavaScript, we need to do the followings:
- Compile the KenLM as static library in LLVM bitcode format
- Write a C program to use the KenLM API to load and query the N-Gram
- Compile the C program and link with KenLM static library into a WebAssembly module
- Use JavaScript to load the WebAssembly module and call it to get N-Gram score
We need emscripten toolchain to compile C/C++ into WebAssembly. Please follow the instruction here to install the toolchain and active the latest version
Since KenLM depends on several libraries, we also need to handle these libraries.
First, let's compile zlib. It's a common library, emscripten-core
already provides script to do it.
Make sure you source the
, then issue the following command: build zlib
The static zlib archive is stored under ${HOME}/.emscripten_cache/asmjs/libz.a
Second, the boost library:
wget -O - | tar xj
Then build the boost components that are needed by KenLM:
cd boost_1_71_0
# Install the tool to compile boost
# Create a directory for output files
mkdir build
export NO_BZIP2=1
./b2 -a -j8 toolset=emscripten link=static threading=single runtime-link=static variant=release --with-system --with-program_options --with-thread --with-test --prefix=build install
emar rc build/lib/libboost.a build/lib/libboost*.bc
You can find the static lib archive files under build/lib
It's time to build KenLM as static library into LLVM bitcode:
# Make sure you are not under boost directory and get one level up to 'kenlm-wasm'
wget -O - | tar x
# Need to patch some files in order to compile the kenlm with emcc
patch -p0 < kenlm.patch
# Get into the source directory
cd kenlm
# Create a 'build' directory and get into the directory
mkdir build
cd build
# Use emconfigure to call CMake and generate the make file
emconfigure cmake -DBoost_DEBUG=1 -Dboost_headers_DIR=../boost_1_71_0/build/lib/cmake/boost_headers-1.71.0 -DBoost_DIR=../boost_1_71_0/build/lib/cmake/Boost-1.71.0 -Dboost_program_options_DIR=../boost_1_71_0/build/lib/cmake/boost_program_options-1.71.0 -Dboost_system_DIR=../boost_1_71_0/build/lib/cmake/boost_system-1.71.0 -Dboost_thread_DIR=../boost_1_71_0/build/lib/cmake/boost_thread-1.71.0 -Dboost_unit_test_framework_DIR=../boost_1_71_0/build/lib/cmake/boost_unit_test_framework-1.71.0 -DZLIB_INCLUDE_DIR=${HOME}/.emscripten_ports/zlib/zlib-version_1 -DZLIB_LIBRARY=${HOME}/.emscripten_cache/asmjs -DBUILD_TESTING=0 -DBoost_USE_STATIC_LIBS=ON -DBoost_USE_STATIC_RUNTIME=ON -DBUILD_EXEC=OFF -DBUILD_TESTING=OFF ..
# Use emmake to call make and compile the code
emmake make
# Let's copy some missing header files
cd ..
mkdir -p include/util/double-conversion
cp util/double-conversion/double-conversion.h include/util/double-conversion
cp util/double-conversion/utils.h include/util/double-conversion
Well done! You successfully compile KenLM to WebAssembly bitcode.
Then you can build the WebAssembly module to use KenLM.
The code is under src/wasm
directory. The emcc
compiler generates
2 output files:
- module.js
- module.wasm
We need .js and .wasm files. Here is the command to build the module:
# Get to the source code directory
cd ../src/wasm
# Use emcc compile to compile the code
emcc -o module.js -I../../kenlm-wasm/kenlm/include -I../../kenlm-wasm/boost_1_71_0/build/include -L../../kenlm-wasm/boost_1_71_0/build/lib/ -L../../kenlm-wasm/kenlm/build/lib -L${HOME}/.emscripten_cache/asmjs -lboost -lkenlm -lkenlm_util -lz -s EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS='["_main", "_NGramScore", "_FetchNGram", "_ReadNGram"]' -s EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS='["ccall", "cwrap", "stringToUTF8", "addFunction"]' -s ALLOW_MEMORY_GROWTH=1 -s RESERVED_FUNCTION_POINTERS=20 -s FETCH=1 -DKENLM_MAX_ORDER=6 -O3