AuthenticateJS is a simple angular library for handling security
To use this library you should have a server application that handles authentication with sessions and it should have a login api that uses a username and password parameters from request body, a logout url and an api to get the current loggedin user with its credentials.
- Install the library
bower install authenticateJS
- load the library
<script src="js/angular.min.js"></script>
<script src="js/angular-route.min.js"></script>
<script src="js/authenticate.js"></script>
copy the library partials to your public directory to the folder partials/authenticateJS
add it to your dependencies
angular.module('myapp', ['authenticate.js']);
- configure
angular.module('myapp').config(['AuthenticateJSProvider', function (AuthenticateJSProvider) {
host: 'api/', // your base api url
loginUrl: 'auth/login', // login api url
logoutUrl: 'auth/logout', // logout api url
loggedinUrl: 'auth/loggedin', // api to get the user profile and roles
unauthorizedPage: '/unauthorized', // url (frontend) of the unauthorized page
targetPage: '/dashboard', // url (frontend) of the target page on login success
loginPage: '/login' // url (frontend) of the login page
- In your login page, include the login form like this
<div authenticate-login-form></div>
You can override the default login form template like this
<div authenticate-login-form template-url="mypartial.html"></div>
add a security attribute to your routes
- a false value means that the route is not protected,
- a true value means, you have to be loggedin to access this route,
- other custom string can be used to indicate that a user role is required to access this route (the string represent the role that have to be found in user.roles)
you can call AuthenticateJS.logout(); to loggout
you cas use AuthenticateJS.getLoggedinUser() to get the current loggedin user