To keep this community collaborative and productive, we ask all contributors and participants to follow these simple guidelines:
- Be respectful to others, even when disagreeing.
- Provide constructive feedback and be open to receiving it.
- Communicate clearly and politely.
- Offer assistance and be considerate of others' perspectives.
- Harassment, intimidation, or discrimination of any kind.
- Offensive comments related to personal characteristics, beliefs, or affiliations.
- Posting others' private information (e.g., addresses, contact details) without permission.
- Conduct that is disruptive or detrimental to a cooperative and inclusive environment.
To report any concerns regarding unacceptable behavior, please contact the project maintainers through GitHub Discussions (privately if appropriate) or other provided contact methods. All reports will be handled confidentially.
Community maintainers are responsible for addressing and, if necessary, moderating inappropriate behavior in a fair and consistent manner. Decisions may include warnings or, in severe cases, banning individuals from participating in the project.