- Fix bodybagging after an ACE update a while back.
Files related to Shacktac UI (stui)
We are moving into using DUI Squad Radar instead, so there is no need to bundle STUI files in this mod anymore.
- Make bodybagging work properly again.
Athena hack to hide other players
Hides other units and vehicles except the player and player's vehicle from Athena by default. Follows a missionNamespace variable "ath_all_data" to determine whether all data should be displayed.
- Keybind for Earplugs volume control.
- Fix error message caused by calling earplugs from preInit.
- Earplugs volume control function working with ACE Earplugs.
- Alice Webbing vest (by Caboose).
- Remove unnecessary line.
- Fix modules dependency on Achilles.
- A patch to remove a duplicate default keybind introduced by TFAR Animations.
- Extra uniforms and vests (by Caboose).
- A patch to prevent under barrel smoke grenades from bouncing (by Caboose).
- Fix fortification boxes not showing up in zeus.
zeus module to spawn a large fortification box.fn_moduleSpawnFortificationBoxSmall
zeus module to spawn a small fortification box.
- Forgot to include bikey.
- Forgot to rePBO the
in the last fix. Yikes.
- Fix Custom dynamic groups functions calling functions with the wrong prefix.
- Custom dynamic groups functions that don't show if people are dead, and don't show random insignia's.
- Icons for all modules.
- Bodybag and respawn module not working because of using 'exitWith' after an if statement instead of 'then'.
- Arsenal & rearm modules not sending curator messages.
- Modules placed in editor causing error because
uses a variable that doesn't exist yet.
- Forgot to repack the addon in 1.2.1.
was not exiting when not local instance.
zeus module to force a respawn wave.fn_moduleToggleRespawn
zeus module to toggle all respawns (both wave and auto). Enabling respawn also triggers a wave immediately.
- Player spectator camera not on player when bodybagged with module.
- Curator feedback messages showing up, only to the actor.
zeus module to bodybag and respawn players, including alive/unconscious players.fn_respawnPlayer
to be able to respawn a player remotely, made for the zeus module.fn_showCuratorMessage
to simplify curator feedback messages (which don't work in MP for an unknown reason).
- functions not packed into addon.
zeus module to bodybag players, including alive/unconscious players.fn_moduleRespawnPosition
zeus module to move the respawn position, visible with a marker on the map.fn_moduleSpawnArsenalBox
zeus module to spawn an arsenal box.fn_moduleSpawnRearmBox
zeus module to spawn a rearm box.