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slack / gsuite으로 계정연동이 가능한 점이 메리트.
embed로 사용될 다양한 플랫폼이 integration 되어 있음
s3, outline app, redis, postgres 를 띄우면 됨
# version: "3" services: redis: image: redis ports: - "6380:6379" postgres: image: postgres ports: - "5434:5432" environment: POSTGRES_USER: user POSTGRES_PASSWORD: pass POSTGRES_DB: outline s3: image: lphoward/fake-s3 ports: - "4569:4569" volumes: - ./fakes3:/fakes3_root outline: image: outline:v001 command: yarn dev build: context: . dockerfile: Dockerfile args: pull: 1 ports: - "3000:3000" volumes: - .:/opt/outline depends_on: - postgres - redis - s3
필요한 config는 다 환경변수로 들어가있음
# # # Copy this file to .env, remove this comment and change the keys. For development # with docker this should mostly work out of the box other than setting the Slack # keys (for auth) and the SECRET_KEY. # # Please use `openssl rand -hex 32` to create SECRET_KEY SECRET_KEY=generate_a_new_key DATABASE_URL=postgres://user:pass@postgres:5432/outline DATABASE_URL_TEST=postgres://user:pass@postgres:5432/outline-test REDIS_URL=redis://redis:6379 URL=http://localhost:3000 PORT=3000 # enforce (auto redirect to) https in production, (optional) default is true. # set to false if your SSL is terminated at a loadbalancer, for example FORCE_HTTPS=true DEPLOYMENT=self ENABLE_UPDATES=true SUBDOMAINS_ENABLED=false WEBSOCKETS_ENABLED=true DEBUG=cache,presenters,events # Third party signin credentials (at least one is required) SLACK_KEY=get_a_key_from_slack SLACK_SECRET=get_the_secret_of_above_key GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID= GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET= # Comma separated list of domains to be allowed (optional) # If not set, all Google apps domains are allowed by default GOOGLE_ALLOWED_DOMAINS= # Third party credentials (optional) SLACK_VERIFICATION_TOKEN=PLxk6OlXXXXXVj3YYYY SLACK_APP_ID=A0XXXXXXX SLACK_MESSAGE_ACTIONS=true GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_ID= BUGSNAG_KEY= GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN= # AWS credentials (optional in development) AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=get_a_key_from_aws AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=get_the_secret_of_above_key AWS_REGION=xx-xxxx-x AWS_S3_UPLOAD_BUCKET_URL=http://s3:4569 AWS_S3_UPLOAD_BUCKET_NAME=bucket_name_here AWS_S3_UPLOAD_MAX_SIZE=26214400 # Emails configuration (optional) SMTP_HOST= SMTP_PORT= SMTP_USERNAME= SMTP_PASSWORD= SMTP_FROM_EMAIL= SMTP_REPLY_EMAIL=
// export default function Routes() { return ( <Switch> <Route exact path="/" component={Home} /> <Route exact path="/share/:shareId" component={KeyedDocument} /> <Authenticated> <SocketProvider> <Layout> <Switch> <Route path="/dashboard/:tab" component={Dashboard} /> <Route path="/dashboard" component={Dashboard} />
// export default function Routes() { return ( <Switch> <Route exact path="/" component={Home} /> <Authenticated> <SocketProvider> <Layout> <Switch> <Route exact path="/share/:shareId" component={KeyedDocument} /> <Route path="/dashboard/:tab" component={Dashboard} />
배포 하면 될걸로 생각하고, k8s에서 리소스 제약을 걸고 시작함.
apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment ... spec: template: spec: containers: resources: requests: cpu: 200m memory: 500Mi ...
자꾸 안올라감...
yarn build && yarn start
# FROM node:12-alpine ENV PATH /opt/outline/node_modules/.bin:/opt/node_modules/.bin:$PATH ENV NODE_PATH /opt/outline/node_modules:/opt/node_modules ENV APP_PATH /opt/outline RUN mkdir -p $APP_PATH WORKDIR $APP_PATH COPY . $APP_PATH RUN yarn install --pure-lockfile RUN cp -r /opt/outline/node_modules /opt/node_modules RUN yarn build CMD yarn start EXPOSE 3000
docker container 배포를 위해서는 빌드후,
yarn start
만 하는 도커 이미지를 만들어서 배포해야함
ALB이후로 ssl은 사용하지 않고, http로만 접속.
하지만, outline router코드에서 enforce https가 설정되어 있어서 http로 전달될 경우 다시 https로 요청.
결국 client
-> https -> alb ssl termination
-> http -> outline server request https
-> https -> ...
infinity chain이 되어버림
해결법중 하나는 x-forwarded-proto=https
를 셋팅해서 웹서버로 전달해주면 됨.
다른하나는 enforce https옵션을 옵션으로 설정할 수 있게함
issue: outline/outline#1041