Filter for terms without language or unknown languages in the back-office term list for translatable taxonomies.
Missing doc blocks from version 0.4.0.
Admin notices for when a term missing or with an unknown language.
Admin notice explaining the term filter for missing/unknown languages.
I18n icon to the language switcher HTML.
Hide create and link translations when language is unknown in language metaboxes for terms and posts.
Stop the archive admin notice for the existence of terms without language or with an unknown language showign when the filter is being applied.
Removed missing/unknown language filter check in Posts\LangFilter
. Now done directly via the ubb_use_post_lang_filter
Fixed bad HTML for language metabox in the Menu customization page.
Setting term language when the term is missing language or has an unknown language in the term edit page.
Post edit page breaking when language is unknown.
Showing when post language is unknown in the language metabox in the post edit page.
Post's missing/unknown language filter not considering posts with unknown language.
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