This repo includes Dockerfiles used to provide the necessary dependencies to Jenkins nodes.
This dockerfile includes the configuration for nodes running a python build script. It is pre-configured to use python 3.6. It also includes the docker-cli in order to run docker commands.
This image is a general purpose script to test a code base with the sonar-scanner. It will automatically execute
and analyze code that is mounted into it's /home/code
It relies on being provided with the PROJECT_NAME
via the -e tag.
You can use it wherever you have the docker-cli implemented:
docker run -it -v $(pwd)/.:/home/code -e PROJECT=${PROJECT} -e SONAR_TOKEN=$SONAR_TOKEN -e BRANCH_NAME=${BRANCH_NAME} 3yourmind/sonar-scanner:latest sh
A Docker image for generic cpp compilation. contains latest gcc and cmake compiled from sources
Contains a groovyscript file that is used as shared library between all pipelines. It contains useful functions that are used to interact with AWS, git or to publish built images.