This is a solution to the Recipe page challenge on Frontend Mentor. Frontend Mentor challenges help you improve your coding skills by building realistic projects.
this is the recipe challenge and it's made ONLY using HTML and CSS.
it took only two hours. I started with making the structure with html, set all the elements and organized the structure. When the content is done, i started making the style. all styles are external and found in the "omelette.css" used normalize.css to make things neat. fixed all the bugs(most of the pain was in this process but not a big deal)
- Semantic HTML5 markup
- CSS custom properties
- normalize.css
- Made a progress in makeing my own website without the help of tutorials .
- learned how to search to find solutions.
- learned how important is to make a design plan and organize everything.
- sharpend my problem-solving skills.
- mastering grid and flex.
- learning java sript.
special thanks to osama elzero, i learned alot from his channal. https://