- Clone the project form repository
git clone https://github.com/Abuziarova/course-bundle-system.git
- Run the command in the main project directory to change basic permissions (you might need sudo)
chgrp -R 33 ./
- Create .env file:
cp .env.dist .env
- Run the docker container:
docker compose up -d
- Login to the container
docker exec -it shopware /bin/bash
- Install dependencies
composer install
- Install the system
bin/console system:install
- Install the AlgotequeRecommendationSystem plugin
bin/console plugin:install --activate AlgotequeRecommendationSystem
Endpoint for getting bundle quotes
Request body structure
{ "topics": { "reading": 20, "math": 50, "science": 30, "history": 15, "art": 10 } }
Example response
{ "quotes": { "provider_a": 8, "provider_b": 5, "provider_c": 10 } }
CLI command for running unit tests
./vendor/bin/phpunit --configuration="custom/plugins/AlgotequeRecommendationSystem"
Directory for key information logs