Website for the department of Mathematics, IIT Kharagpur.
Purpose of this website is to the serve for the benefit of the students of Mathematics and Computing at IIT Kharagpur and to provide a better interface between Professors and Students.
- index.php - home page.
- Prof_info.php - a page to search about the professors/faculty of the department.
- Prof_data.js - contains basic information of the professors of the department.
- Announcements.php - Here you will be able to find all the new announcements by the professors and faculty.
- Students Corner - specifically meant for the students, under this section you can find all the recent yearwise announcements, lecture_notes,assignments uploaded ny the faculty.
- Join_us.php - a registeration page.
- Contact_Us.php - to get contact details or to submit some query.
- login.php - for login purpose of the faculty and admin.
- Dashboard.php - Default page that opens by default at the time of login showing basic information of the professor.
- Announc_global.php - Page which allows professor to Upload/Delete the documents meant for the whole department.
- Install any apache software for server hosting like XAMPP or MAMP.
- [Download XAMPP](
- [Download MAMP](
- Clone the repository, and navigate to the downloaded folder.
- Move the downloaded Zip file related to the repository to the htdocs folder in the XAMPP/MAMP folder wherever you have installed it(XAMPP/MAMP) and then unzip the file.
- Suppose your host app is MAMP, then run the MAMP and then click Start Servers(Though in general it starts automatically).
- Click "Open WebStart page". New Window opens in the browser. From the webpage opened in browser, click "My Website".
- Select the Mathematics Website folder from Index.
Website is all set to surf!!!!!!!!
- Run MAMP/XAMPP, then Click "Open WebStart Page".
- Select "phpMyAdmin" from drop down of "Tools" menu.
- Now in phpMyAdmin, create a new database named "demo".
- After creating the database, click "Import" tab. Then under choose file, select the 'loginform.sql' file from MY SQL folder in the Maths Website folder.
Now the login page is also set
**Note: Password you can find out using the decrypt web application.
Those who want to contribute in this project, go through the
This repository make use of the boootstrap templates. With the help oh Php,Html,Javascript, it tries to create a user-friendly interface between client(faculty/student) and the database.