Cplusplus.com community project.
Project repository: https://github.com/cpluspluscom/ChessPlusPlus
ChessPlusPlus is a modular game of chess programmed with the latest gadgets and gizmos in C++, namely whatever happens to be the most recently released standard (currently C++14, eventually C++17). The project aims to show the simplicity and elegance of modern C++ as well as demonstrate use of the latest features of the language and the more modern design practices.
Indeed, you yourself will need the latest and greatest in C++ compliation technology if you wish to compile ChessPlusPlus for yourself. But fear not, for you are not the only one seeking the latest and greatest - for example the nuwen MinGW distro is generally up to par with the most modern stuff, and if you're not on Windows you can always just use your friendly neighborhood gcc. LLVM's clang is a superhero too, you know, and libc++ rivals gcc's libstdc++.
Chess piece images by @Lowest0ne with unspecified licensing.
Open Sans font by Steve Matteson, used under the Apache License 2.0.
Send an email to svogel76 (at) comcast.net with ChessPlusPlus in the subject. Include in the email your email address and github ID. You can also open issues here or start topics in the forums, specifically the Lounge.
To contribute to this project, fork this repository, commit your changes, and submit a pull request. You can open issues to start discussions if you like. Be sure to read CONTRIBUTING.md
Documentation is hosted on the gh-pages branch: https://cpluspluscom.github.io/ChessPlusPlus/
There is also information on the wiki.