Currency Change App
-Currency Change App is a Flutter application for converting and viewing currency exchange rates.
-Introduction Currency Change App allows users to check and convert currency exchange rates easily. The app provides a user-friendly interface for currency conversion, with up-to-date exchange rate information.
-Project Structure The project follows a standard Flutter project structure. Key directories include:
-lib: Main source code for the app. -test: Unit tests for the app.
-Design Pattern The app follows the Clean Architecture pattern for robust and maintainable code. This design pattern was chosen for its separation of concerns and ease of testing.
-Image Loader Library The app uses the cached_network_image library for efficient loading and caching of remote images. This choice was made for its performance and reliability.
-Database Currency Change App does not use a local database, as it primarily relies on real-time currency exchange rate data from external APIs.
-Unit Testing The project includes comprehensive unit tests for API integration and business logic using the test package.
-Dependency Injection Dependency injection is implemented using the get_it library. This approach was chosen for its simplicity and ease of use.
-UI Implementation The app utilizes Google's Material Design components for a consistent and visually appealing user interface.
-State Management The Bloc pattern is employed for state management, providing a clean and reactive architecture. This choice was made for its maintainability and ease of handling complex UI states.
-Contributing Contributions are welcome! Please follow our Contribution Guidelines for more information on how to contribute to the project.
-License This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.