This is web application for organizing tasks and projects.
The app allows to create and manage tasks, group them into projects, set due date and priority level.
The app is fully responsive and designed with "mobile-first" approach.
This is a training project for The Odin Project course.
Main purpose of this project was to practice:
- using Webpack for bundling JS modules and assets
- organizing code into modules to have logical and efficient code structure
- work with objects for creating and manipulating data
- using linter and Prettier for formatting check
Project is created with:
Webpack v.5.40.0
npm v.7.7.6
flatpickr v.4.6.9 - JS datetime picker
date-fns v.2.23.0 - JS date utility library
eslint v.7.32.0
prettier v.2.3.2
Page Visibility API - utilized for saving user's data in localStorage before end of session