This package provides Python wrapper around DEEDS, an efficient version for 3D discrete deformable image registration which is reaching the highest accuracy in several benchmarks [1][2] and serves as a good baseline for new solutions.
If you use this implementation or parts of it please cite:
"MRF-Based Deformable Registration and Ventilation Estimation of Lung CT." by Mattias P. Heinrich, M. Jenkinson, M. Brady and J.A. Schnabel IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging 2013, Volume 32, Issue 7, July 2013, Pages 1239-1248
"Multi-modal Multi-Atlas Segmentation using Discrete Optimisation and Self-Similarities" by Mattias P. Heinrich, Oskar Maier and Heinz Handels VISCERAL Challenge@ ISBI, Pages 27-30 2015
pip install git+
from deeds import registration
import SimpleITK as sitk
fixed = sitk.ReadImage(PATH)
moving = sitk.ReadImage(PATH)
moved = registration(fixed, moving)
Input images must:
- have the same dimensions,
- be a SimpleITK image object.
python build_ext --inplace
python -m unittest