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Ohmuritel cheesecake

Ruby Style Guide SemaphoreCI


  1. Install docker
  2. Install docker-compose
  3. Install dip
    brew tap bibendi/dip
    brew install dip
    curl -L`uname -s`-`uname -m` > /usr/local/bin/dip
    chmod +x /usr/local/bin/dip
  4. Use
    • bash command
    eval "$(dip console)"
    • or use the prefix dip for the following console commands
    It’s preferable to use the first option, it will add hints to your console
  5. Run this command for build docker-compose and apply default setting
  6. Use default rails command using item 4 of this list
    • Example with eval
    eval "$(dip console)"
    rails s
    RAILS_ENV=production rails c
    dip will auto provide all command to docker images with setting into dip.yml
    • Example with dip prefix
    dip rails s
    dip RAILS_ENV=production rails c


  1. Stage
  2. Production


  1. Install Lefthook for apply git hooks
    brew install Arkweid/lefthook/lefthook
    or other way from link
  2. Use lefthook run ${hook name} for run hooks manual
  3. Run standardrb to lint a ruby code
  4. Run standard to lint a js code
  5. Run crystalball ro run all ruby spec using Regression Test Selection mechanism
  6. Run rspec to run all ruby spec
  7. Commit auto generate changes in heroku.yml when you change gem/js dependency it need for rebuild intermediate containers in CI process and get correct review_app stage and production.
You can see all supported commands in a dip.yml