add in the root of the project (i.e., the same level where
is located) a file namedapiproxy.config
put inside the credentials that you received from [email protected] (put the quotes "")
email: "[email protected]" apiKey: "YOUR_KEY"
these are your credentials to invoke the OpenAI GPT APIs
add in the root of the project (i.e., the same level where
is located) a file namedcodestyle.config
put inside the credentials that you received from [email protected] (put the quotes "")
email: "[email protected]" accessToken: "YOUR_KEY"
these are your credentials to invoke GradeStyle
./mvnw clean javafx:run
./mvnw clean javafx:run@debug
then in VS Code "Run & Debug", then run "Debug JavaFX"
./mvnw clean compile exec:java@style
Go to the "Attributes.md" folder