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Repo with a distributed setup for JMeter.

Based on the tutorial:


  1. Docker should be installed
  2. Kubernetes should be setup / kubeconfig should be configured appropriately
  3. Helm should be installed


  1. Docker files for JMeter base, master and slave.
  2. Helm chart for JMeter cluster setup.
  3. Batch scripts for cluster installation, JMX execution and cluster uninstallation.

Cluster Deployment

These scripts create the JMeter master and slave pods on Kubernetes under the namespace: jmeter

To deploy the cluster, just run the following command:


The individual commands for various steps are listed below (just fyi, the previous batch file takes care of everything)

# Building base Docker image
docker build -t jmeter-base -f Dockerfile-base .

# Building master Docker image
docker build -t jmeter-master -f Dockerfile-master .

# Building server Docker image
docker build -t jmeter-server -f Dockerfile-server .

# Deploying jmeter-master-server using Helm chart
helm install jmeter-master-server jmeter-master-server --namespace jmeter --create-namespace

JMX Execution

After the JMX file is ready, just copy the file to the jmeter-jmx-files folder, and then run the following batch file:


The script will ask for the following things:

  1. Name of the JMX file
  2. Master pod name (for eg: jmeter-master-server-master-54589b65d6-8pwnk)
  3. IP addresses of the desired SERVER pods (usually named as jmeter-master-server-server-55b6c69556-j4kbl) to be used for JMeter execution (IP addresses can be found with this command: kubectl get pods -n jmeter -o wide, already run as a part of the script) (for eg:,

The commands executed as a part of the JMX execution (already a part of the batch file) are as follows:

# Fetching IP Addresses for the pods
kubectl get pods -n jmeter -o wide

# Copying the JMX file
kubectl cp -n jmeter ./jmeter-jmx-files/%JMETER_FILE_NAME% %MASTER_POD_NAME%:/tmp

# Executing the JMX file
kubectl exec -it -n jmeter %MASTER_POD_NAME% -- /bin/bash -c "jmeter -n -Jserver.rmi.ssl.disable=true -t /tmp/jmeter-jmx-files/%JMX_FILE_NAME% -l %JMX_FILE_NAME%_logs -R%SERVER_IPS%"

Cluster Uninstallation

To uninstall the cluster, the following batch script can be used:


The commands executed in this batch script are as follows:

# Removing JMeter cluster through Helm
helm uninstall jmeter-master-server --namespace jmeter


Repo with a distributed setup for JMeter






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