Visit to access the website. This will be the offical website that connects students who want share rides to and from the airports in Chicago area: O'hare and Midway. It will require each student to register with their Northwestern email and will be verified to make an account. The goal of the website is to collect the destinatoins and the times of when the student want to leave/arrive at and based on that will be connected with with 1 - 2 other people.
Often, Northwestern students struggle to find cheap Uber rides to and from the airport and end up paying high prices. Even more frustrating, people send messages to group chats hoping to find someone to share the fare with; they're lucky even if they receive one response. Our group thought, what if we could make a platform to connect those students and make it easier, more convenient, and safe for them to find a group to share the fare with?
Our website connects students, by first having them login into it using the Northwestern email. Then students can search (filter by) their departure time, and the type of Uber/Lyft they want, and the group with those descriptions will pop up. From there, they can join and get each other's contacts. If no group is available or the group you want has reached its limit, then you create your own group and let other people join you.
We used Javascript, React, CSS, HTML, Bootstrap, and Supabase.
Trying to learn how to connect our React pages to the database. Also, find the most optimal way to group people.
Staying focused for hours to debug our pages, sitting together, and bonding together for a long time.
We learned a lot about React, prioritizing what software/technologies to use. How to cooperate on a big project and finish it in a limited time.
We're planning to improve how we group people together. Get more users and find ways to make money from it, while keeping it free for students. Change the website to an app that is more accessible to more students. On top of that, we are planning to make a communication platform or online chat that doesn't require a person to share their personal contact info.