👋 Hi, I’m @AndrewMcKean. I'm currently in the middle of a career switch from Nursing to software engineering, a big switch!
🌱 I've been working for the last 2 years as a React Native Developer for a small, health technology company where we create, primarily, AAC applications.
👀 I’m interested in using GitHub to find some open source projects which are healthcare oriented to sharpen my skills in my spare time, though I haven't done so as yet.
⚡I'm currently working with:
- TypeScript, with React & React Native
- Swift & Java, for native modules in iOS React Native projects
- and, Python for scripting
💭 I'm currently learning:
- Backend development with boot.dev
- Python with boot.dev
- GO with boot.dev
I haven't been a big social media user in the past but am looking to use it more as a networking tool.
With that in mind I'm reachable at:
- Twitter: @andrewmckean_
- (WIP)LinkedIn: /in/andrewmckean-