The code used to solve a Bio-Mechanical system of PDEs built for cancer modeling
An introduction to the files is the main module where all data is given or referred, all work in mathematics is presented, such as defining function spaces and finite elements, defining weak forms, calling solving commands and writting files. is used to process the mesh generated from GMSH, a mesh generating software. is used to load non-smooth initial conditions, projecting them onto a DG space, and eliminate possible negative values during the process.
Mesh.h5 and Mesh.xdmf are generated from GMSH and the files for the mesh used in the problem is used to calculate the curvature of the boundary and guide shape change of the domain is used to smoothen non-smooth functions
jobUMASS3.qs is the commands for running the code on the UMass GHPCC
Main contributor: Navid Mirzaei