Running instructions:
Open the app with Visual Studio and the terminal. In the terminal change the directory to "project" and type "flask run". You need to open the database with Postico, and make sure to have psycopg2 installed to run PostgreSQL.
Imagine you are the employee (Vet, receptionist) of Might Paws Vet Practice. By using this app, you can add a new animal including their owner details to the database, so simply click on "Add new animal" which leads you to that page. You can now add the animal's and owner details, as well as choosing the Vet you wish to go to with your animal.
After the entry has been submitted, you can click on Search and enter the owner's last name. This brings back all owner's with that specific last name, then click Select and you get the result of all their animals.
Technology used : Visual Studio, Flask, Postico, PostgresSQL Languages used: Python3, Jinja, Html and Css