This is a classic "Simon Says" memory game built with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. In this game, the player needs to repeat an increasingly complex sequence of colors to score points. Each round adds a new color to the sequence, challenging the player's memory as they progress.
Play the Simon Says Game (Add a link to a live demo if available)
- Memory Challenge: Repeat the sequence shown to progress to the next round.
- Interactive UI: The interface responds with colors and sounds to enhance gameplay.
- Incremental Difficulty: Each round adds a new step to the sequence, making the game progressively harder.
- Score Tracking: Keep track of your high score as you test your memory!
- HTML: Markup for structuring the game interface.
- CSS: Styling for the game layout and interactive elements.
- JavaScript: Logic for game functionality, sequence generation, and user interaction.
- Clone the repository:
git clone
- Open the index.html file in your browser to start playing.
Watch the initial color sequence displayed by the game. Click the colors in the same order shown to progress to the next round. Each correct attempt adds a new color to the sequence. Try to repeat the longest sequence you can remember!
Feel free to fork this project, submit issues, and open pull requests to improve the game or add new features!
- Syed Ashfaquddin
Linkedin Profile