This project demonstrates a simple LED blink using the TimeBase0 interrupt on the Holtek BS66F350C microcontroller. The TimeBase0 module generates periodic interrupts, allowing the program to toggle an LED at a specified interval without blocking other tasks.
- Overview
- Features
- Hardware Requirements
- Software Requirements
- Setup
- Code Explanation
- Usage
- Adjusting Blink Rate
The BS66F350C is an 8-bit microcontroller from Holtek, which supports features like TimeBase0. This project uses TimeBase0 to set up periodic interrupts, where each interrupt toggles an LED, creating a simple blink effect.
- Non-blocking LED blink: Uses interrupts to toggle an LED, allowing other processes to run concurrently.
- Adjustable blink rate: The blink frequency can be adjusted by modifying the TimeBase0 settings.
- Holtek BS66F350C MCU
- LED and resistor: An LED connected to an I/O pin with a current-limiting resistor.
- Holtek HT-IDE3000: Recommended IDE for developing on Holtek microcontrollers.
- BS66F350C Support Library: To provide register definitions and setup functions.
- Programmer: HT-ICP V.8 for programming the BS66F350C chip.
- Connect the LED with a resistor to a digital output pin on the BS66F350C (e.g., P0.0).
- Configure TimeBase0 for the desired interval (e.g., 500 ms).
- Enable TimeBase0 interrupt and set the appropriate priority.
- In the interrupt service routine, toggle the LED state.
The initialization code sets up TimeBase0 with the desired time interval. Here’s a simplified overview:
- Clock Configuration: Set the system clock as needed.
- Pin Configuration: Configure the LED pin as an output.
- TimeBase0 Setup:
- Set the period to achieve the desired blink rate.
- Enable TimeBase0 interrupt.
The TimeBase0 ISR toggles the LED each time it is called, generating a blink effect at the set interval.
The main loop typically remains empty, as the LED blink operation is entirely handled by the interrupt.
- Compile and upload the code to the BS66F350C microcontroller.
- Power the circuit. The LED should blink at the interval defined by TimeBase0.
To change the blink rate, modify the TimeBase0 interval in the code and recompile.