to run the file locally you need to run
npm i
in 3 locations
- in the root osrs casino folder
- in the client folder
- in the server folder
from there you can rum npm start in the root folder to run the program with the client side and server side.
the server uses and can somtimes disconnect a user if left alone too long this is because the sever is not hosted and currenty only runs on your local machine to fix this just refresh the page
the client is currently PC combatibly only as making the games work on a phone screen caused many issues. To run the website on your phone you can however put you phone into desktop mode. (in the settings on your preferred browser)
- cd into the client folder and run
npm run build
- after the builf folder is created copy it into the server folder and rename to
- npm start in the server folder. The website will now be running at
These are also the steps needed for hosting the website. After these steps the server folder can now be hosted on a provider like AWS.
_ I hope you enjoy the website _