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run modules on vm

Github edited this page May 17, 2022 · 1 revision

Set up and start modules on a virtual machine

  1. Set up virtual machine to run Azure IoT Edge

  2. Create and configure an ACR (Azure Container Registry)

    1. Create an Azure Container Registry

    2. Configure .env that was generated in the iotedgedev init step with the ACR by modifying these lines with appropriate values:

  3. Push modules to ACR with

    iotedgedev push

  4. Add registry credentials to deployment manifest

    1. Replace generated deployment.template.json field registryCredentials with

      "registryCredentials": {
            "privateAcr": {
              "username": "$CONTAINER_REGISTRY_USERNAME",
              "password": "$CONTAINER_REGISTRY_PASSWORD",
              "address": "$CONTAINER_REGISTRY_SERVER"

      Note: privateAcr can be renamed to anything else

    2. Regenerate the config/deployment.amd64.json

      iotedgedev genconfig

  5. Deploy modules to device

    iotedgedev solution deploy

  6. Troubleshooting

    • Verify modules deployment status via executing:

      # Populate variables from .env
      edge_device_id=$(dotenv get DEVICE_CONNECTION_STRING |  grep -oP '(?<=DeviceId=).*(?=;Shared)')
      iot_hub_connection_string=$(dotenv get IOTHUB_CONNECTION_STRING)
      # Execute query
      az iot hub module-identity list --device-id $edge_device_id --login $iot_hub_connection_string
    • Troubleshoot IoT Edge devices from the Azure portal

    • SSH into the virtual machine and follow troubleshoot your IoT Edge device