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Neovim :: M Λ C R O

Neovim :: M Λ C R O is a collection of neovim configuration files inspired by Emacs / N Λ N O.

The goal of macro-neovim is to provide a clean and elegant user interface while remaining practical for daily tasks, striking a balance between a streamlined design and effective functionality. See showcases to get a glimpse of the basic usage and what this configuration looks like.

This is a highly personalized and opinionated neovim configuration, not a distribution. While it's not meant for direct use, you're welcome to fork, experiment, and adapt it to your liking. Feel free to use it as a starting point for your configuration or borrow elements you find useful. Issues and PRs are welcome.

Currently only tested on Linux (X11/Wayland/TTY) and Android (Termux).


Table of Contents


  • Modular design
    • Install and manage packages in groups
    • Make it easy to use different set of configuration for different use cases
  • Clean and uncluttered UI, including customized versions of:
  • VSCode-Neovim integration, makes you feel at home in VSCode when you occasionally need it
  • Massive TeX math snippets
  • Jupyter Notebook integration: edit notebooks like markdown files, run code in cells with simple commands and shortcuts
  • Optimization for large files, open any file larger than 100 MB and edit like butter (see big files)
  • Fast startup around ~25 ms

Requirements and Dependencies



Tree-sitter installation and configuration are handled by nvim-treesitter.

Requires a C compiler, e.g. GCC or Clang, for building parsers.

To add or remove support for a language, install or uninstall the corresponding parser using :TSInstall or :TSUninstall.

To make the change permanent, add or remove corresponding parsers in the ensure_installed field in the call to nvim-treesitter's setup() function, see lua/configs/nvim-treesitter.lua.


For LSP support, install the following language servers manually using your favorite package manager:

To add support for other languages, install corresponding language servers manually then add lsp.lua files under after/ftplugin to automatically launch them for different filetypes.

Some examples of lsp.lua files:


Install the following debug adapters manually:

  • Bash:

    Go to vscode-bash-debug release page, download the latest release (bash-debug-x.x.x.vsix), extract (change the extension from .vsix to .zip then unzip it) the contents to a new directory vscode-bash-debug/ and put it under stdpath data (see :h stdpath).

    Make sure node is executable.

  • C/C++: install CodeLLDB.

    Example for ArchLinux users:

    yay -S codelldb     # Install from AUR
  • Python: install DebugPy

    Example for ArchLinux users:

    sudo pacman -S python-debugpy


    pip install --local debugpy # Install to user's home directory

    or in a virtual env:

    pip install debugpy
  • Go: install Delve

For more information on DAP installation, see Debug Adapter Installation.


  • Bash: install Shfmt*
  • C/C++: install Clang to use clang-format
  • Lua: install StyLua*
  • Rust: install Rust to use rustfmt
  • Python: install Black*
  • LaTeX: install texlive-core to use latexindent

*Need EFM Language Server to work with vim.lsp.buf.format()


  1. Make sure you have required dependencies installed.

  2. Clone this repo to your config directory

    git clone bkb_dot && cp -r bkb_dot/.config/nvim ~/.config/nvim.macro
  3. Open neovim using

    NVIM_APPNAME=nvim.macro nvim

    On first installation, neovim will prompt you to decide whether to install third-party plugins, press y to install, n to skip, never to skip and disable the prompt in the future (aka "do not ask again").

    The suggestion is to use n to skip installing plugins on first launch, and see if everything works OK under a bare minimum setup. Depending on your needs, you can choose whether to install third-party plugins later using y/yes or never on the second launch.

    Some notes about third-party plugins

    Installing third-party plugins is known to cause issues in some cases, including:

    1. Partially cloned plugins and missing dependencies due to slow network connection
    2. Building failure especially for plugins like telescope-fzf-native.nvim and markdown-preview.nvim due to missing building dependencies or slow installation process
    3. Treesitter plugins can easily cause issues if you are on a different nvim version, check nvim-version.txt for the version of nvim targeted by this config

    To avoid these issues,

    1. Ensure you have a fast network before installing third-party plugins
    2. If the building process failed, go to corresponding project directory under g:package_path and manually run the build command from there. The build commands are declared in module specification files under lua/modules
    3. Ensure you are on the same version of nvim as specified in nvim-version.txt if you encounter any issue related to treesitter
  4. After entering neovim, Run :checkhealth to check potential dependency issues.

  5. Enjoy!


If you encounter any issue, please try the following steps:

  1. Run :Lazy restore once to ensure that all packages are properly installed
  2. Run :checkhealth to check potential dependency issues
  3. Check :version to make sure you are on the same (of above) version of neovim as specified in nvim-version.txt
  4. Try removing the following paths then restart neovim:
    • :echo stdpath('cache')
    • :echo stdpath('state')
    • :echo stdpath('data')
  5. If still not working, please open an issue and I will be happy to help


Use the following steps to generate a flamegraph to troubleshoot performance issues, e.g. laggy when typing or scrolling (requires FlameGraphs to be installed):

  1. Inside neovim, run :lua require('jit.p').start('10,i1,s,m0,G', '/tmp/nvim-profile.log')
  2. Reproduce the performance issue
  3. :lua require('jit.p').stop()
  4. :qa!
  5. /tmp/nvim-profile.log > /tmp/nvim-profile-flamegraph.svg && firefox /tmp/nvim-profile-flamegraph.svg

Big Files

Customize how neovim determines large files by adjusting these settings:

  • vim.g.bigfile_max_lines
    • Default: 32768
    • Buffers with number of lines exceeding this will be flagged as big file
  • vim.g.bigfile_max_size
    • Default: 1048576 (bytes)
    • Buffers with corresponding file size exceeding this will be flagged as big file

When a file is flagged as a big file (vim.b.bigfile is set), certain features will be disabled to improve performance.


You can uninstall this config completely by simply removing the following paths:

  • :echo stdpath('config')
  • :echo stdpath('cache')
  • :echo stdpath('state')
  • :echo stdpath('data')

Config Structure

├── colors                      # colorschemes
├── plugin                      # custom plugins
├── ftplugin                    # custom filetype plugins
├── init.lua                    # entry of config
├── lua
│   ├── core                    # files under this folder is required by 'init.lua'
│   │   ├── autocmds.lua
│   │   ├── opts.lua            # options and general settings
│   │   ├── keymaps.lua
│   │   └── modules.lua         # bootstraps plugin manager and specifies which modules to include
│   ├── modules                 # all plugin specifications and configs go here
│   │   ├── ui.lua              # ui elements, e.g. icons
│   │   ├── completion.lua      # auto-completion
│   │   ├── debug.lua           # debug adapter (DAP) support
│   │   ├── edit.lua            # general editing enhancements, e.g. auto-pair, surround, align, etc.
│   │   ├── langs.lua           # language-specific plugins
│   │   ├── llm.lua             # completion and code generators using LLMs
│   │   ├── markup.lua          # enhancement for markdown and tex editing
│   │   ├── tools.lua           # tools like fuzzy finder, git integration, etc.
│   │   ├── treesitter.lua      # treesitter related plugins
│   │   └── colorschemes.lua    # third-party themes
│   ├── configs                 # configs for each plugin
│   ├── snippets                # snippets
│   ├── plugin                  # the actual implementation of custom plugins
│   └── utils
└── syntax                      # syntax files

Tweaking this Configuration

Managing Plugins with Modules

In order to enable or disable a module, one need to change the table in lua/core/modules.lua passed to enable_modules(), for example

  -- ...

Installing Packages to an Existing Module

To install plugin foo under module bar, just insert the corresponding specification to the big table lua/modules/bar.lua returns, for instance,


return {
  -- ...
    dependencies = 'foo_dep',

Installing Packages to a New Module

To install plugin foo under module bar, one should first create module bar under lua/modules:

└── lua
    └── modules
        └── bar.lua

a module should return a big table containing all specifications of plugins under that module, for instance:

return {
    cond = function()
      return vim.fn.argc() == 0 and
          vim.o.lines >= 36 and vim.o.columns >= 80
    dependencies = 'nvim-web-devicons',

    dependencies = 'nvim-web-devicons',
    config = function() require('bufferline').setup() end,

After creating the new module bar, enable it in lua/core/modules.lua:

  -- ...
  -- ...

General Settings and Options

See lua/core/opts.lua.

Environment Variables

  • $NVIM_NO3RD: disable third-party plugins if set
  • $NVIM_NF: enable nerd font icons if set


See lua/core/keymaps.lua, or see module config files for corresponding plugin keymaps.


cockatoo, nano, macro, and sonokai are three builtin custom colorschemes, with separate palettes for dark and light background.

Neovim is configured to restore the previous background and colorscheme settings on startup, so there is no need to set them up in the config file explicitly.

To disable the auto-restore feature, remove the ColorSchemeRestore augroup in lua/core/autocmds.lua.

To tweak a colorscheme, edit corresponding colorscheme files under colors.

Auto Commands

See lua/core/autocmds.lua.

LSP Server Configurations

See lua/utils/lsp.lua and lsp.lua files under after/ftplugin.

DAP Configurations

See lua/configs/dap-configs, lua/configs/nvim-dap.lua, and lua/configs/nvim-dap-ui.lua.


This configuration use LuaSnip as the snippet engine, custom snippets for different filetypes are defined under lua/snippets.

Enabling VSCode Integration

VSCode integration takes advantages of the modular design, allowing to use a different set of modules when neovim is launched by VSCode, relevant code is in autoload/plugin/vscode.vim and lua/core/modules.lua.

To make VSCode integration work, please install VSCode-Neovim in VSCode and configure it correctly.

After setting up VSCode-Neovim, re-enter VSCode, open a random file and it should work out of the box.



Default Modules and Plugins of Choice

Third Party Plugins

Builtin Plugins

  • colorcolumn
    • Shows color column dynamically based on current line width
    • Released as deadcolumn.nvim
  • expandtab
    • Always use spaces for alignment, even if 'expandtab' is not set, see :h 'tabstop' point 5
  • fcitx5
    • Switches and restores fcitx5 state in each buffer asynchronously
  • jupytext
    • Edits jupyter notebook like markdown files
    • Writes into jupyter notebook asynchronously, which gives a smoother experience than jupytext.vim
  • intro
    • Shows a custom intro message on startup
  • lsp
    • Sets up LSP and diagnostic options and commands on LspAttach or DiagnosticChanged
  • readline
    • Readline-like keybindings in insert and command mode
  • statuscolumn
    • Custom statuscolumn, with git signs on the right of line numbers
  • statusline
  • tabline
    • Simple tabline that shows the current working directory of each tab
    • Use :[count]TabRename [name] to rename tabs
  • tabout
    • Tab out and in with <Tab> and <S-Tab>
  • term
    • Some nice setup for terminal buffers
  • tmux
    • Integration with tmux, provides unified keymaps for navigation, resizing, and many other window operations
  • vscode
  • winbar
    • A winbar with drop-down menus and multiple backends
    • Released as dropbar.nvim
  • markdown-title
    • Automatically capitalize the first letter of each word in markdown titles
    • Use :MarkdownAutoFormatTitle enable/disable to enable or disable this feature
  • markdown-codeblock
    • Add shadings to markdown code blocks
  • z
    • Jump between frequently visited directories with :Z command using z.lua or

Like many vim builtin plugins, these plugins can be disabled by setting the g:loaded_... flag before loading them.


  • Neovim Version:

    NVIM v0.10.4
    Build type: RelWithDebInfo
    LuaJIT 2.1.1731601260
    Run "nvim -V1 -v" for more info
  • Config Commit: 4ba45170

  • System: Arch Linux 6.12.10

  • Machine: ThinkPad X1 Nano Gen 1

  • Startup time with --clean:

    hyperfine -Nw10 'nvim --clean +q'
    Benchmark 1: nvim --clean +q
      Time (mean ± σ):       7.2 ms ±   1.0 ms    [User: 5.0 ms, System: 2.1 ms]
      Range (min … max):     6.0 ms …  12.5 ms    440 runs
  • Startup time with this config:

    hyperfine -Nw10 'nvim +q'
    Benchmark 1: nvim +q
      Time (mean ± σ):       8.8 ms ±   1.1 ms    [User: 6.2 ms, System: 2.4 ms]
      Range (min … max):     7.4 ms …  14.2 ms    362 runs
    startuptime log
    --- Startup times for process: Primary/TUI ---
    times in msec
     clock   self+sourced   self:  sourced script
     clock   elapsed:              other lines
    000.000  000.000: --- NVIM STARTING ---
    000.088  000.087: event init
    000.150  000.062: early init
    000.182  000.033: locale set
    000.217  000.034: init first window
    000.435  000.218: inits 1
    000.439  000.004: window checked
    000.441  000.002: parsing arguments
    000.812  000.028  000.028: require('vim.shared')
    000.869  000.029  000.029: require('vim.inspect')
    000.925  000.048  000.048: require('vim._options')
    000.927  000.113  000.036: require('vim._editor')
    000.928  000.162  000.022: require('vim._init_packages')
    000.930  000.327: init lua interpreter
    001.322  000.392: --- NVIM STARTED ---
    --- Startup times for process: Embedded ---
    times in msec
     clock   self+sourced   self:  sourced script
     clock   elapsed:              other lines
    000.000  000.000: --- NVIM STARTING ---
    000.076  000.075: event init
    000.129  000.053: early init
    000.156  000.027: locale set
    000.186  000.030: init first window
    000.386  000.200: inits 1
    000.393  000.007: window checked
    000.394  000.001: parsing arguments
    000.734  000.025  000.025: require('vim.shared')
    000.792  000.028  000.028: require('vim.inspect')
    000.831  000.030  000.030: require('vim._options')
    000.832  000.096  000.038: require('vim._editor')
    000.833  000.140  000.019: require('vim._init_packages')
    000.834  000.300: init lua interpreter
    000.877  000.042: expanding arguments
    000.889  000.012: inits 2
    001.106  000.217: init highlight
    001.107  000.001: waiting for UI
    001.221  000.114: done waiting for UI
    001.233  000.012: clear screen
    001.282  000.005  000.005: require('vim.keymap')
    001.704  000.469  000.464: require('vim._defaults')
    001.706  000.004: init default mappings & autocommands
    001.968  000.034  000.034: sourcing /usr/share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin.vim
    002.021  000.032  000.032: sourcing /usr/share/nvim/runtime/indent.vim
    002.100  000.047  000.047: sourcing /usr/share/nvim/archlinux.lua
    002.103  000.061  000.013: sourcing /etc/xdg/nvim/sysinit.vim
    002.192  000.032  000.032: require('vim.fs')
    002.455  000.258  000.258: require('vim.uri')
    002.465  000.326  000.036: require('vim.loader')
    002.879  000.404  000.404: require('core.opts')
    002.993  000.112  000.112: require('core.keymaps')
    003.184  000.189  000.189: require('core.autocmds')
    004.016  000.116  000.116: require('vim.ui')
    004.036  000.851  000.735: require('core.modules')
    004.037  001.910  000.028: sourcing /home/zeng/.config/nvim/init.lua
    004.042  000.299: sourcing vimrc file(s)
    004.268  000.032  000.032: sourcing /home/zeng/.config/nvim/filetype.lua
    004.436  000.021  000.021: sourcing /usr/share/vim/vimfiles/ftdetect/meson.vim
    004.456  000.172  000.152: sourcing /usr/share/nvim/runtime/filetype.lua
    004.567  000.051  000.051: sourcing /usr/share/nvim/runtime/syntax/synload.vim
    004.648  000.160  000.109: sourcing /usr/share/nvim/runtime/syntax/syntax.vim
    005.039  000.268  000.268: sourcing /home/zeng/.config/nvim/plugin/_load.lua
    005.161  000.108  000.108: sourcing /home/zeng/.config/nvim/plugin/intro.lua
    005.373  000.016  000.016: sourcing /usr/share/nvim/runtime/plugin/gzip.vim
    005.390  000.007  000.007: sourcing /usr/share/nvim/runtime/plugin/matchit.vim
    005.495  000.087  000.087: sourcing /usr/share/nvim/runtime/plugin/matchparen.vim
    005.513  000.008  000.008: sourcing /usr/share/nvim/runtime/plugin/netrwPlugin.vim
    005.525  000.003  000.003: sourcing /usr/share/nvim/runtime/plugin/rplugin.vim
    005.583  000.038  000.038: sourcing /usr/share/nvim/runtime/plugin/shada.vim
    005.615  000.006  000.006: sourcing /usr/share/nvim/runtime/plugin/spellfile.vim
    005.633  000.007  000.007: sourcing /usr/share/nvim/runtime/plugin/tarPlugin.vim
    005.648  000.005  000.005: sourcing /usr/share/nvim/runtime/plugin/tutor.vim
    005.666  000.009  000.009: sourcing /usr/share/nvim/runtime/plugin/zipPlugin.vim
    005.716  000.041  000.041: sourcing /usr/share/nvim/runtime/plugin/editorconfig.lua
    005.788  000.061  000.061: sourcing /usr/share/nvim/runtime/plugin/man.lua
    005.875  000.075  000.075: sourcing /usr/share/nvim/runtime/plugin/osc52.lua
    005.915  000.027  000.027: sourcing /usr/share/nvim/runtime/plugin/tohtml.lua
    005.993  000.023  000.023: sourcing /usr/share/vim/vimfiles/plugin/black.vim
    006.010  000.008  000.008: sourcing /usr/share/vim/vimfiles/plugin/fzf.vim
    006.024  000.821: loading rtp plugins
    006.096  000.071: loading packages
    006.101  000.005: loading after plugins
    006.109  000.008: inits 3
    006.158  000.049: opening buffers
    006.186  000.005  000.005: require('vim.F')
    006.189  000.026: BufEnter autocommands
    006.190  000.001: editing files in windows
    006.277  000.024  000.024: require('utils')
    006.278  000.071  000.047: require('utils.json')
    006.311  000.027  000.027: require('utils.fs')
    008.283  000.898  000.898: sourcing /home/zeng/.config/nvim/colors/sonokai.lua
    008.389  000.085  000.085: require('utils.hl')
    008.439  001.169: VimEnter autocommands
    008.853  000.017  000.017: require('ffi')
    008.861  000.263  000.246: require('lazy.stats')
    009.132  000.256  000.256: require('lazy.core.util')
    009.318  000.061  000.061: require('vim.highlight')
    009.427  000.408: UIEnter autocommands
    009.429  000.002: before starting main loop
    009.610  000.057  000.057: require('plugin.statuscolumn')
    009.713  000.028  000.028: require('utils.stl')
    010.012  000.242  000.242: require('plugin.statusline')
    010.113  000.065  000.065: require('utils.git')
    010.158  000.037  000.037: require('vim._system')
    010.985  001.127: first screen update
    010.988  000.003: --- NVIM STARTED ---