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Releases: Betterment/journaled

v6.0.0 - Rails 7.2 and 8.0 support!

24 Jan 20:09
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What's Changed

  • Upgrade dependencies and add support for Rails 7.2 and 8.0 by @rzane in #37

New Contributors

  • @rzane made their first contribution in #37

Full Changelog: v5.3.2...v6.0.0


29 Apr 15:24
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What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v5.3.1...v5.3.2


29 Apr 15:23
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What's Changed

  • [Fix] Ensure that classes automatically excluded from audit logging stay excluded after reloads by @smudge in #32

Full Changelog: v5.3.0...v5.3.1

New threadsafe "with_transactional_batching" block method

06 Dec 16:18
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This adds a Journaled.with_transactional_batching { } feature that can be used to conditionally enable batching within the current thread, even if the feature is disabled globally.

New `snapshot_on_deletion` feature!

13 Oct 17:48
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This adds a new config that will enable snapshots by default for all delete actions.

Journaled::AuditLog.snapshot_on_deletion = true

Since changes will be empty on deletion, you should consider using this if you care about the contents of any records being deleted (and/or don't have a full audit trail from their time of creation).

Introducing: `Journaled::AuditLog`

09 Sep 19:32
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This release introduces Betterment's Journaled::AuditLog mixin for ActiveRecord modules. It's similar to audit logging / papertrail-like gems, in that it will record changes to models (insert/update/delete). But instead of storing these changes in a local versions table (etc), it will emit them in the form of journaled events.

To get started, add has_audit_log to a model:

class MyModel < ApplicationRecord
  # ...

This pairs with the 5.0 release that introduced transactionally-batched journaling. (So, if you're changing several records at once within the scope of a single transaction, you'll only end up enqueuing 1 journaled event job).

Introducing: Batched Journaling!

23 Aug 22:49
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This adds transactional batching to journaled. What does that mean? Well, now, by default, when multiple events are emitted inside of a transaction:

ActiveRecord::Base.transaction do

A single job will be enqueued directly before the SQL COMMIT statement, batching up the two events. (And if the transaction rolls back, the job will never be enqueued.)

This behavior can be disabled with a global config, but may become permanent in future versions:

Journaled.transactional_batching_enabled = !Rails.env.production?

What happens if we aren't in a transaction? Well, the same thing that happened before! (A job will be enqueued right away.) In future, we may introduce safety checks to warn you if you are attempting to journal events outside of a transactional context.

Because this bumps the version to 5.0, it also removes compatibility for Journaled::DeliveryJob jobs enqueued with legacy (3.1.0-era) arguments. This job now accepts a list of events to emit, rather than a single event-kwarg-blog, so a new legacy input pattern is accepted for compatibility with jobs enqueued by v4.x.x of the gem.

Introducing: Tagged Events!

12 Nov 18:19
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  • This adds a new tagged: true option to journal_attributes, and Journaled.tagged/Journaled.tag! helpers that allow events to be tagged with contextual metadata (useful for audit logs and tracing):

    class MyEvent
      include Journaled::Event
      journal_attributes :attr_1, :attr_2, tagged: true
    Journaled.tagged(foo: 'bar') do
      # events emitted in this scope will have a `tags` attribute with contents `{ "foo": "bar" }`
    # events emitted in this scope will have a `tags` attribute with contents `{}`

    All "tagged" events will be given a tags attribute, but it can be empty. Consuming apps with strict schema enforcement ("additionalProperties": false) will need to include the "tags" field in any relevant event schemas. While this feature is not a breaking change for existing events, we have incremented the gem by a full minor version (to 4.1.0).

  • Under the hood, this removes RequestStore in favor of ActiveSupport::CurrentAttributes. This is the new convention for Rails apps (available in 5.2+), so in theory consuming apps shouldn't be impacted by this, but it is another reason to increment a full minor version at the least.

  • The README now includes two standard usage examples:

class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
  before_action do
    Journaled.tag!(request_id: request.request_id, current_user_id: current_user&.id)

class ApplicationJob < ActiveJob::Base
  around_perform do |job, perform|
    Journaled.tagged(job_id: job.job_id, &perform)

Direct `stream_name` configurability! (Removing `app_name` configs)

27 Oct 21:09
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This release replaces default_app_name, journaled_app_name, and other app_name usage with default_stream_name, journaled_stream_name, and stream_name (respectively). It also moves off of an ENV-vars-by-default approach for stream configuration, to more of a BYO-ENV-vars strategy (where you can still reference the old ENV vars if you want).

Naturally, this prompts a major version bump to 4.0, and upgrade instructions have been added the README.

Other Information

  • Worth noting, stream_name is now baked-into the Journaled::DeliveryJob handlers. This means that jobs will use the stream names that the events were configured to use at the time they were enqueued.

  • The Journaled::Delivery "performable" class has been removed. (It was succeeded by the Journaled::DeliveryJob ActiveJob in version 3.0.) This means that anyone upgrading directly from 2.5.0 or below to 4.0 (this new version) will see errors if they have any jobs actively queued. A recommendation has been added to the README to upgrade one major version at a time, so 2.x -> 3.x -> 4.x would be the safest path.

v3.1.0 - detect_queue_adapter fixes

27 Oct 21:05
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  • This release fixes detect_queue_adapter! for aliased adapter constants. Not all adapter constants were compatible with the split('::').last function used to find the human-readable adapter name. Thankfully, in Rails 5.2+, there is a queue_adapter_name method that can be used to find precisely what we need.
  • As such, this removes Rails 5.1 support, and adds 6.1 to the CI test matrix.

Full Changelog: v3.0.0...v3.1.0