This plugin imports task data from Plussa to Moodle environment, so that the tasks can be completed in Moodle course page. Plugin then sends the answers to the grading system, and returns the grades back to Moodle. The plugin works as a updated version for the original Astra plugin, which is no longer viable with the current version of Moodle.
The plugin is made for course admins mainly from Tampere University, for its usage of both Moodle and Plussa. This plugin helps the students by removing some of the need of using both systems.
Plussa is an online learning platform created by Aalto University ( This plugin talks with the backend grading system of the server (MOOC grader) to facilitate its functionality.
At the moment plugin can be only installed manually to the Moodle platform, but the requirement of the finished product will be implementation to the Moodle plugin library.
The plugin is meant to be used in conjunction with, which should be installed together with mod_adastra.
The plugin requires Moodle version 3.8.
Importing a course from the MOOC grader is easy.
First add the adastra setup block to your course in Moodle. It has to be added only once, and will stay in that same coursespace until removed. These are the steps for adding the block:
- Go to the course front page.
- Turn editing on.
- Click "add a block" towards the bottom of the left side navigation pane.
- Select "Ad Astra exercises setup". Editing can be turned off now.
You can import the course from the MOOC grader by following these steps:
- First decide which section will host the course, and record its section number, this will be needed during the process. The section number is visible in the URL of the section page. The course front page is section zero.
- Click "Edit exercises" in the Ad Astra exercises setup block. The block is visible on the right side of the course page, if you added it as described earlier.
- On the exercise edit page, click "Update and create Ad Astra exercises automatically".
- In the form that opens, enter the "configuration URL" for your course and the "Moodle course section number" which you recorded in step 1. API key is not needed. The configuration URL depends on the MOOC grader server and the course key used there. The URL follows the pattern
- Click "apply" in the form. The exercises are now ready. You can see an overview in the edit course page (from which you accessed the import form) and the Moodle activities are displayed in the specified course section.
If changes to the course, such as new exercises added, are made on the remote platform, the course should be imported again. The import form remembers the previously entered values, so you only need to click the apply button in the form.
You can find a short video showing the basic functionality of the plugin here:
The following list explains how the plugin code is structured and divided:
Contains the Javascript code for the frontend
Contains the main css style for the plugin
Contains the backup API of Moodle
Contains class definitions, supports Moodle class auto-loading
- cache: contains classes that define caches in the plugin
- event: contains classes that log events in the log
- form: contains forming classes that use Moodle form API
- local: contains classes that work in a local Moodle environment, including auto setup and forming of data
- output: contains classes that output data with output API
- privacy: contains classes that handle user data
Defines parts of the plugin required by Moodle
- access.php: contains plugin capabilities, uses access API
- caches.php: contains area defining for the caches for the Moodle API
- install.php: contains code run at plugin installation process
- install.xml: contains the database schema of the plugin
- uninstall.php: contains the code run at plugin uninstallation
- upgrade.php: contains the code run when the plugin is upgraded, for example when changes are made to the plugin
- upgradelib.php used to group and clear the upgrading code in the upgrade.php
Contains the strings used in the plugin, currently supports english
Contains several php scripts for tasks used by teachers
Contains mustache-templates, that are a part of the Moodle output API
Contains PHPunit tests, that are using Moodle test API
- calls.php: contains scripts for function to call API
- courses.php: contains script to get and set the information of the courses using calls functions
- index.php: script to show all the course information from the requested course in the Moodle page
- lib.php: contains all the functions Moodle requires of all the Moodle plugins
- local_settings.php: contains plugins local settings defined with constants
- locallib.php: sets requirements for the moodle page, for example requirement for custom Javascript and CSS
- mod_form.php: contains the form used to create and edit activities
- settings.php: contains the settings to configure the plugin for the administration
- submission.php: contains the code for submission cases of the tasks
- version.php: contains the required information of plugin version number
- view.php: contains the view configuration of the plugin
The plugin is set to the Moodle page by using the block plugin part of Ad Astra. The plugin settings are now set, by adding the course url from Plussa etc. Ad astra then runs the calls for the course tasks and runs the auto setup to set the module to Moodle. After the auto setup course data can now be completed in the Moodle platform. The looks of the imported module will match the one seen in Plussa environment, and makes the completion of these tasks similar. Each task includes every aspect of the Plussa completion, for example the points and the number of submissions left.
The completed tasks will be sent to the grading system of Plussa, which works independently from Moodle. Working this way Moodle only works as an interface for the call and send functions of the plugin, and requires minimal amount of modification to Moodle itself.
2020 Your Name [email protected]
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see