A standalone web-server app with the following functionality is considred:
- Creating new polls, 2)Starting a new poll and generate a link to it, 3)Closing an existing poll, 4)Showing statistics about about chosen poll, 5)Registering a vote for certain option in a poll.
This functionality has been implemented as follows:
1-3) PollController @Scheduled method managePolls() calls for createMyPoll() method in order to instantiate a new Poll object and starts the poll by adding it the the list of active polls. At the start of the app ACTIVE_POLLS_NUMBER polls are created. After that every DELAY_MILLS milliseconds this method closes the oldest active poll, adds it to the list of closed polls and, after that, starts a new poll.
createMyPoll() method create a new poll object with number of options ranging between MIN_OPTION_NUMBER and (MIN_OPTION_NUMBER + OPTION_RANGE - 1). Every created poll has a unique id.
Link to the poll can be obtained via GET query method using the path "/api/polls". Using this call will call getPollsList() method returning a JSON object with two arrays of JSON objects: active and closed. Every array contains a number of poll titles with corresponding generated path links for the poll.
Quering a certain poll via provided link with GET query (e.g. /api/polls/{id}) will call getPollInfo() method which returns a JSON object containig full poll info such as poll id, title, description, and array of poll options, each of it a JSON object with title and votes counter.
Quering a certain poll via provided link with POST query and option title parameter as a requiered @RequestParam will register a vote for chosen option on condition that this option exists and a poll is still active. The vote() method of PollController managing this operation will return a JSON object of poll, containing full info about the poll with incremented counter for the option chosen as a @RequestParam in case of correct query. In case of missing parameter, a BAD_REQUEST return is guaranteed.