Core orchestration for ONECore.
- Create the file src/config.json (see below)
- Install nvm
- Install required version of node:
nvm install
- Use required version of node
nvm use
- Install packages:
npm run install
Start the development server: npm run dev
Note: The microservices leasing and property-management must be running for this application to work.
We utilize koa2-swagger-ui
and swagger-jsdoc
for documenting our API. Each endpoint is required to have appropriate JSDoc comments and tags for comprehensive documentation. The Swagger document is exposed on /swagger
According to .env.template.
: E-mail address to the dev team. Used for logging process errors
Each process (/processes) is documented through flowcharts and sequence diagrams to clearly demonstrate what the process does and which underlying services are used during the process. To create flowcharts and sequence diagrams, we're using Mermaid for markdown which makes adjustments and collaboration easy. Diagrams in Mermaid can be viewed on GitHub or with the help of a plugin, such as for VSCode.