Closed Issues
Table Change Function for Users (#160 )
Wind/Solar/Hydro Profiles (#161 )
Reorganize documentation (#172 )
HRRR data (#176 )
Linting error N818 (#182 )
Data Intake: add HIFLD open and related external data (#185 )
Create bus data frame from HIFLD line and substation data (#205 )
Augment known HIFLD transmission lines with transformers within substations (#206 )
Data Intake Collections for Building Electrification Profile Generation (#207 )
Parse EPA and EIA data into one table of generator data to be used in the HIFLD Grid (#222 )
Add single function that kicks off all HIFLD Grid building (#226 )
Build distribution of demand to HIFLD buses (#229 )
Demand Flexibility and Demand Flexibility Cost Data (#230 )
Improve handling of DC lines when loading HIFLD data (#233 )
Any missing HRRR data causes calculation of power output to fail (#244 )
Merged pull requests (features)
feat: add cli to download rap data (@goccert25 )
refactor: separate WindData and DataSource classes (@goccert25 )
feat: add solar data cli downloader (#178 ) (@goccert25 )
feat: add ability to select grid model to cli (#184 ) (@goccert25 )
feat: map buses to balancing authorities (#181 ) (@BainanXia )
feat: add stubs for demand and hydro data cli (#190 ) (@goccert25 )
Load HIFLD data (#196 ) (@rouille )
feat: process plant data to create data frame (#197 ) (@danielolsen )
feat: add functions to perform transmission line filtering (#199 ) (@danielolsen )
feat: identify closest substations by ID, not just name (#202 ) (@danielolsen )
feat: add filter of substations based on network of lines (#203 ) (@danielolsen )
feat: add function to infer line voltages (#208 ) (@danielolsen )
feat: add function to create buses from substations and lines (#210 ) (@danielolsen )
feat: add ability to download hrrr data (#212 ) (@goccert25 )
feat: add functions to load EIA and EPA data from blob storage (#214 ) (@danielolsen )
feat: add functions to connect islands with minimum cost in topology module (#216 ) (@BainanXia )
feat: add transmission to substation track selection (#217 ) (@rouille )
feat: add function to create transformers within substations (#218 ) (@danielolsen )
feat: add functions to estimate branch parameters (impedance and rating) (#219 ) (@danielolsen )
feat: calculate pout based on hrrr data (#221 ) (@goccert25 )
feat: add heat rate parameter estimation (#225 ) (@danielolsen )
feat: add options to use KDTree in connecting islands by MST (#228 ) (@BainanXia )
feat: add function to assign demand to buses proportional to population (#235 ) (@danielolsen )
feat: add top-level HIFLD grid orchestration function (#236 ) (@danielolsen )
feat: filter DC lines out of AC transmission network processing within HIFLD construction (#237 ) (@danielolsen )
feat: separate interconnections via network topology (#240 ) (@danielolsen )
refactor/feat: decouple solar profile generation from Grid object, add individual calculation (#247 ) (@danielolsen )
Merged pull requests (fixes etc.)
ci: add pep8-naming to flake8 and fix warnings (#157 ) (@jon-hagg)
Update dependencies (#158 ) (@jon-hagg)
chore: remove all declarations (#159 ) (@jon-hagg)
ci: add coverage report to pytest (#161 ) (@jon-hagg)
chore: create bug report issue template (#162 ) (@rouille )
chore: create feature request issue template (#165 ) (@rouille )
Update dependencies (#166 ) (@jon-hagg)
docs: update setup documentation (#167 ) (@goccert25 )
Use integration marker for test fetching data (#169 ) (@rouille )
Update dependencies (#170 ) (@jon-hagg)
chore: update packages manually (#177 ) (@jon-hagg)
Report code coverage (#179 ) (@jon-hagg)
chore: fix N818 warning from pep8-naming (#183 ) (@jon-hagg)
Profiles generation documentation (#187 ) (@rouille )
chore: update packages with dependency on urllib3 (#188 ) (@jon-hagg)
fix: add imputation of missing wind data for cli (#189 ) (@goccert25 )
Folder structure an ATTRIBUTION file (#191 )
Load zone file (#192 ) (@rouille )
chore: add const file (#194 ) (@rouille )
docs: rewrite README (#195 ) (@rouille )
data: manually fix BA county map to remove duplicate assignments (#198 ) (@BainanXia )
refactor: use groupby to speed up distance calculations (#204 ) (@danielolsen )
Update dependencies (#209 ) (@jon-hagg)
ci: replace docs trigger with generic one (#211 ) (@jon-hagg)
Package related cleanup (#215 ) (@jon-hagg)
refactor: switch (lon, lat) points to (lat, lon) (#223 ) (@danielolsen )
refactor: change transmission processing code to expect (lat, lon) instead of (lon, lat) (#224 ) (@danielolsen )
docs: improve section on documentation in README (#231 ) (@rouille )
docs: change author (#232 ) (@rouille )
fix: various issues with HIFLD transmission loading/processing (#239 ) (@danielolsen )
fix: handle empty HRRR data files via linear imputation (#245 ) (@danielolsen )
chore: disable tests for failing geo lookup API (#250 ) (@danielolsen )
chore: narrow dependencies, bump version number to prepare for v0.4.1 release (#251 ) (@danielolsen )
New contributors
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