2016 Oct 14 - sp_Blitz markdown output, sp_BlitzIndex statistics checks
In addition to lots of bug fixes and tweaks, here's the new stuff:
sp_Blitz v53.3:
- @OutputType = 'markdown' (Brent Ozar) - I'm always looking at StackOverflow.com questions and saying to myself, "Man, if I just had the sp_Blitz output for that server, I bet I could answer this." Makes it way easier for people to get help for free.
- New check for failover cluster health (Matt Tucker) - warning if you don't have failover cluster nodes available in sys.dm_os_cluster_nodes.
- New check for endpoints owned by user accounts (HBollah)
- New check for wait stats cleared since startup (Brent Ozar) - useful in combination with @CheckServerInfo = 1, which includes any wait stats that are bottlenecks.
- Improved Amazon RDS and SQL Server 2005 compatibility (Brent Ozar)
sp_BlitzFirst v25.2:
- Split what's running now code into new sp_BlitzWho (Ryan Howard) - several folks said they found this section useful on its own. We'll add more into sp_BlitzWho down the road.
sp_BlitzIndex v4.2:
- Added statistics checks (Erik Darling) - warning about outdated stats and stats with low sample rates.
- Added database name to multi-db result sets (Brent Ozar) - notable because it's a breaking change if you'd built anything on top of @GetAllDatabases = 1.