All my CodeWars katas!
I really loved this katas, which gaves me the opportunity to improve myself finding out new algorithms and, why not, to crack a lot of code interviews; I try to keep this repository updated.
- Second Variation on Caesar Cipher - Go;
- ISBN-10 Validation - JS;
- First non-repeating character - Go;
- Ease the StockBroker - JS;
- Look and say numbers - python;
- Tortoise racing v.1 - Go;
- Tortoise racing v.2 - Go;
- String Suffixes - JS;
- uniq (UNIX style) - Go;
- Rectangle into Squares - python;
- Mexican Wave - Node.js;
- Equal Sides Of An Array - C1;
- Equal Sides Of An Array - Java;
- Detect Pangram - C1;
- Does my number look big in this? - C1;
- Tribonacci Sequence - C1;
- Tribonacci Sequence - Go;
- Which are in? v.1 - Go;
- Which are in? v.2 - Go;
- Sum of Digits / Digital Root - Go;
- Duplicate Encoder - Go;
- Duplicate Encoder - JS;
- Are they the "same"? - Go;
- Create Phone Number v.1 - Go;
- Create Phone Number v.2 - Go;
- Stop gninnipS My sdroW! - Go;
- Convert string to camel case - Go;
- Convert string to camel case - JS;
- Replace With Alphabet Position - Node.js;
- Multiples of 3 or 5 - C1;
- Multiples of 3 or 5 - Go;
- IP Validation - Go;
- Counting Duplicates - Go;
- Is a number prime? - C1;
- Isograms - JS;
- Remove anchor from URL - JS;
- Disemvowel Trolls - C1;
- Make a function that does arithmetic! - Go;
- Highest and Lowest - Go;
- Count the divisors of a number - C1;