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Corda flows doc builder plugin

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Gradle plugin to automatically generate graph that represent Corda flows interactions. The plugin is intended to help developers automatically build documentation regarding the Corda flows they write.

The graphs built by the plugin try to closely follow the guidelines given by Corda on how to write such documentation. (See Corda modelling notation) The plugin works by decompiling the class files inside the flows jar, looking for classes that represent flows and statically analyzing them for send and receive calls. Specifically the plugin analyzes all the classes tagged with @StartableByRPC inside the jar.

With the information obtained from static analysis it builds the .svg images useful for documentation. They are then integrated into an ascii doc file giving a summary of the analysis of the Jar.

Since it works by decompiling code, it can be applied to flows written in Java, Kotlin or any other JVM-based language. For non-java generated bytecode it might be useful sometimes to switch decompilers, see configurable options for more details.

Getting Started

The doc builder can be used in two ways:

  • as a Gradle plugin
  • as a standalone executable


As a Gradle plugin

To apply the plugin, in the build.gradle (see gradle website):

Using legacy plugin application:

buildscript {
  repositories {
    maven {
      url ""
  dependencies {
    classpath "com.github.lucacampanella:plugin:+"

apply plugin: "com.github.lucacampanella.plugin.flows-doc-builder-plugin"

Be careful: in any case the plugin should be applied after the Java plugin or any other plugin that creates a Jar task. Otherwise the plugin won't find these tasks and won't analyze the corresponding Jars.

The tasks created by the plugin need a dependency, which is part of JCenter. Please include it in your project repositories:

repositories {

As a standalone executable

Download latest version of the fat Jar (ends in -all) from the Bintray repo (also uploaded on JCenter).


As a Gradle plugin

The plugin hooks itself into the tasks of type Jar, creating an analyze task for each Jar task. The tasks created have the format <originalTaskName>AnalyzerTask. For example the task that analyzes the default Jar is called: jarAnalyzerTask.

To analyze a jar just call his corresponding analyzer task. Example, to analyze the Jar output of the Jar task use ./gradlew jarAnalyzerTask

To see all the available analyzer tasks run: ./gradlew listFlowAnalysisTasks

Since the plugin works by decompiling the class files inside the jar, it loses information such as line numbers or comments. For this reason is possible to point the plugin also to the source files that compiled constitute the jar. For this option see filesPaths in the Configurable options section.

By default the documentation graphs are put inside build/reports/flowsdocbuilder in .svg and .adoc format.

Configurable options

For each analyzer task you can configure various options:

  • outPath: the path where the documentation files are placed.
    • Example: outPath = "myFavouriteFolder/docs"
    • Default: build/reports/flowsdocbuilder
  • logLevel: the log level to use for logging inside the task. It should be one of the slf4j log levels. The input is taken as string and later in the task converted to the enum. Case insensitive.
    • Example: logLevel = "TRACE" or logLevel = "debug"
    • Default: defaults to gradle specified log level. For example run task with --info option to obtain slf4j DEBUG. If the logLevel is specified by the user in the task this always takes precedence over gradle specified log level.
  • removeJavaAgents: decide whether you want the plugin to remove java agents from the execution of the task. It's very common in Corda development environments to have the Quasar plugin modify every JavaExec task to have as jvmArg of the task something like -javaagent:path/to/quasar.jar. This just slows the analysis down and sometimes creates unrelated exceptions, thus is disabled by default, but user can decide to leave the java agent by selecting removeJavaAgents = false.
    • Example: removeJavaAgents = false
    • Default: true
  • pathToExecJar: change the jar executable used for the analysis. By default the plugin relies on the analysis engine that can be found in this repo under the graph-builder submodule. The dependency is automatically fetched and exceuted by gradle when the plugin is applied. If the user wants to change this for any reason can use this option.
    • Example: pathToExecJar = "path/to/my/analyzerExtended.jar"
    • Default: the latest version of the Jar is downloaded from the artifactory automatically Gradle dependency handler.
  • decompilerName: change the decompiler used. Available options: CFR, Fernflower
    • Example: decompilerName = "fernflower"
    • Default: CFR
  • sourceFilesPath: add more files to the analysis other than the jar file to which the task is hooked to. The option is a String array / list of string paths. Accepted inputs are .jar, .java or folders containing either of them. The folders are analyzed recursively. The typical usage of this option is to add to the analysis the source files that produced the jar, so that information such as line numbers or comments are preserved. In fact if the initiating classes have a top level comment, this is inserted in the ascii doc. The sourceFilesPath option is particularly useful in combination with analyzeOnlySourceFiles and drawLineNumbers.
    • Example: sourceFilesPath = ['src/main/java']
    • Default: [], empty list / array
  • drawArrows: draw the arrows between send and receive and between corresponding Corda subflows. If the option is disabled, the plugin won't try to pigure out if the send and receive protocol match.
    • Example: drawArrows = false
    • Default: true
  • drawLineNumbers: draw line numbers left to the expression. If the files are decompiled and not added with the option sourceFilesPath, the line numbers will correspond to the ones generated during decompilation.
    • Example: drawLineNumbers = true
    • Default: false
  • analyzeOnlySourceFiles: if some .java files are passed with the option filePaths, this option allows to only analyze and output the documentation regarding these source files and omit all the other classes tagged as @StartableByRPC that are found in the Jar.
    • Example: analyzeOnlySourceFiles = true
    • Default: false
  • drawBoxes: draw dashed boxes around each subflow, to better see division of labour between flows.
    • Example: drawBoxes = false
    • Default: true
  • drawReturn: draw the return statements. This can be particularly useful when an anticipated return prevents the flow to send or receive some object, because the user of the docs sees how this can happen.
    • Example: drawReturn = true
    • Default: false;
  • drawThrow: draw the throw statements. This can be particularly useful when a throw prevents the flow to send or receive some object, because the user of the docs sees how this can happen.
    • Example: drawThrow = false
    • Default: true;
  • drawBreakContinue: draw the break and continue statements. This can be particularly useful when a loop that contains send and receives makes use of them.
    • Example: drawBreakContinue = false
    • Default: true;
  • drawStatementsWithRelevantMethods: draw also the statement in which a relevant method is called, not only the relevant method. For example with an instruction such as SignedTransaction signedTransaction =; if this option is enabled, after the part representing the body of the, this instruction will also be shown.
    • Example: drawStatementsWithRelevantMethods = true
    • Default: false;

For example using the Groovy DSL:

jarAnalyzerTask {
    outPath = project.buildDir.path + "/reports/differentdir/flowsdocbuilder"
    logLevel = "TRACE"
    removeJavaAgents = false
    pathToExecJar = "path/to/my/analyzerExtended.jar"
    decompilerName = "fernflower"
    sourceFilesPath = ['src/main/java']
    drawLineNumbers = true
    analyzeOnlySourceFiles = true
    drawBoxes = false

A typical and useful setting is:

jarAnalyzerTask {
    sourceFilesPath = ['src/main/java']
    drawLineNumbers = true
    analyzeOnlySourceFiles = true


The plugin works best on fat / uber jars with all the dependencies inside. The best way to achieve such a jar is to use the shadow plugin to create the fat jar. Then run shadowJarAnalyzerTask to create documentation based on this Jar.

Gradle minimum version

The plugin requires Gradle minimum version 4.10 in order to work.

As a standalone executable

Run with:

java -jar [-Dorg.slf4j.simpleLogger.defaultLogLevel=<logLevel>] graph-builder-<version>-all.jar 
<path/to/input_jar.jar> \
[paths/to/sourceFilesFolder, paths/to/additionalSource/, 
path/to/additionalClasspathJars.jar ...] \
[-o <path/to/output_folder>] \
[-d <decompilerName>]
[-l] [--no-box-subflows] [-s] [--no-arrows]


  • -Dorg.slf4j.simpleLogger.defaultLogLevel=<logLevel>: optional parameter to decide the log level. Complete <logLevel> with one of the slf4j log levels.
  • graph-builder-<version>-all.jar: the analyzer executable
  • <path/to/input_jar.jar>: path to the jar to be analyzed. Other files can be added. Accepted inputs are .jar, .java or folders containing either of them. The folders are analyzed recursively. The typical usage of this option is to add to the analysis the source files that produced the jar, so that information such as line numbers or comments are preserved. In fact if the initiating classes have a top level comment, this is inserted in the ascii doc. The sourceFilesPath option is particularly useful in combination with --only-source-files and --draw-line-numbers.
    Also useful when the Jar to be analyzed is not a fat Jar and the analysis still needs some dependencies.
  • -o <path/to/output_folder>: the output folder where the resulting documentation should be placed.
    Default: graphs
  • -d <decompilerName>: change the decompiler used. Available options: CFR, Fernflower
    Default: CFR
  • -l/--draw-line-numbers: boolean option to draw line numbers left to the expression. If the files are decompiled and not added as .java, the line numbers will correspond to the ones generated during decompilation.
    Default: false
  • -s/--only-source-files: if some .java files are passed, this option allows to only analyze and output the documentation regarding these source files and omit all the other classes tagged as @StartableByRPC that are found in Jar files.
  • --no-box-subflows: don't draw dashed boxes around each subflow.
  • --no-arrows: don't draw the arrows between send and receive and between corresponding Corda subflows. If the option is present, the plugin won't try to pigure out if the send and receive protocol match.
  • --draw-return: draw the return statements. This can be particularly useful when an anticipated return prevents the flow to send or receive some object, because the user of the docs sees how this can happen.
  • --no-draw-throw: don't draw the throw statements.
  • --no-draw-break-continue: don't draw the break and continue statements.
  • --draw-statements-with-relevant-methods: draw also the statement in which a relevant method is called, not only the relevant method. For example with an instruction such as SignedTransaction signedTransaction =; if this option is enabled, after the part representing the body of the, this instruction will also be shown.

Running the tests

After cloning the repo, run ./gradlew test

Example output

This is an example of how the produced .svg image looks like. The file is generated from the analysis of Example flow

Built With

  • Gradle - Gradle build tool
  • Spoon - Static analysis and decompilation library
  • JFreeSVG - Library to draw SVG files in java


Please read for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.


We use Reckon Gradle Plugin for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.


  • Luca Campanella - Initial work - GitHub

This project was developed for AdNovum in the scope of the projects SB4B and Cardossier.


This project is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License - see the LICENSE file for details


  • Special and huge thanks goes to Michael von Känel for answering all my questions thoroughly and always with a smile
  • Hat tip to anyone whose code was used


Gradle plugin to automatically generate graph that represent Corda flows interactions







No packages published


  • Java 99.6%
  • Kotlin 0.4%